P. 476


                           Therefore we must see how security cannot be built upon division,
                    why one group fights against another group, we will see why the present
                    structure crumbles, and all our achievements without understanding, are

                    but empty heights in a human progress in which we find no happiness. It is
                    inevitable that this structure will crumble because it is not built upon the
                    Truth of the One in all and all in One. Then a new structure will arise
                    based upon Reality through self-knowledge, with a Universal basis and

                    not a political one.
                           We cannot have affection for one another when we live in separation, in
                    perpetuating our separate religions, our separate nationalities, our separate

                    ideals, which create antagonisms and which lead to war, destruction and
                           Transformation and salvation must surely come only with self-knowledge

                    and not with ideas. Therefore it is necessary to understand oneself before we
                    can bring about transformation inwardly and outwardly.
                           We must become conscious of the Presence which is never antagonistic

                    to Itself in any individual, nor is It in opposition to Itself in any individual
                    or group.
                           We must discern how and why we have been caught-up in race thought,
                    in nationalities, in creeds, in politics, disease, ignorance and death. We will

                    see how we have permitted these falsities to rule us, and how we have been
                    incapable of thinking for ourselves. We merely imitated and followed, led
                    to destruction and not to freedom.

                           What applies to the individual applies to civilization, they are one
                    and the same. What the individual is, so is civilization. Our true happiness
                    is built only upon the Presence that is Ever- present and Eternal and not
                    upon ideas, imitations, conformity or tradition, which is perpetuating the

                    misery of our civilization and which is the essence of its decay.
                           Mark 3: 24-26 (Moffatt), “if a realm is divided against itself, that
                    realm cannot stand: if a household is divided against itself, that household

                    cannot stand: and if Satan (of the self) has risen against himself and is
                    divided, he cannot stand, he comes to an end.”

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