P. 479
John 4: 13-14, “anyone who drinks this water will
be thirsty again, but anyone who drinks the water
that l shall give him will never thirst any more; the
water that I shall give him will turn into a spring of
water welling up to life eternal.” (Moffatt)
When we understand that the material things are made out of a
combination of ether and thought and that the world we live in is not sepa-
rated from our thoughts, for we live amongst our thoughts and emotions,
we can see clearly that denying the things that are harmful does not alter
them. Only by understanding the cause can we be free.
We have been told that nervous conditions exist because we do not
control the mind, but in our endeavour to control the mind we are not
understanding, we are merely holding the mind in subjection which brings
suppression which is the cause of nervousness through fear.
Fear comes through not understanding the cause of our thought-
reaction. Is it not so that you try to control your mind because you are afraid
of what your thoughts will produce? What is required is an understanding
and pliable mind so that there will be an immediate discernment of right
Controlling the mind is an unnecessary effort which brings fear and
limitation, because the mind is dominated by the idea of an escape from
the conditioning which you fear. What happens is when an idea comes into
your mind you want to brush it aside so as to escape from its influence.
But how can you escape from its influence when it remains because it is
not understood.
When your thought is not understood or dealt with, without fear,
without condemnation, you try to focus your attention upon a particular idea in
opposition to your conditioning, thereby creating a conflict which is more
harmful. You will see now that you are not thinking but are caught-up in a
useless struggle that can never be creative.
When ideas come into your mind you should know them for what
they are, then you will not fight them or struggle with them. You will look
at them and discern their value. This is the true function of the mind and
with this function developed there is no struggle, no fear, no limitation and
* See Notes page 482 478