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therefore no effort to hide away something that does not suit you. Realize
that you and your thoughts are one.
A mind that is of value is one in which there is no conflict, no strain,
and where there is no such struggle there is peace. You do not create peace,
immediately the turmoil ceases there is peace.
Mental alertness through understanding our thoughts, our mental
activity should be cultivated in our everyday life, not merely at specific times
for analysis, but to be aware always in the present, then you will know what is
happening. Anything that is contrary to your happiness and the happiness
of your fellows would then be abandoned in the now.
Your own health, success, happiness is secured through co-operation
and understanding your fellows, and this can only be done when you
understand yourself. Self-knowledge is the gateway to wisdom and truth.
True Being is, and comes when we discern the false, then there is no
need to imitate, to conform, when you know the false. For when you know the
false you will know what is true. But if you crave to be something, Spiritual
or otherwise, you will pursue your craving which will lead to frustration,
sorrow and conflict.
Some think they can find the happy medium, a balance between
good and evil, your mind then becomes a centre of conflict. The mind is
free only through understanding that good and evil grow on the same tree,
have the same root and this is in man’s mind only. Discern what is made
up in the mind and see that it has no foundation apart from man’s mind,
therefore it has no foundation in Truth. Truth is not made up in the mind,
Truth is and is now.
Truth knows nothing of good or evil, past or future. Truth is the living
expression of Life Itself every moment, moment to moment, in which there is
no separation, no death, being Eternal. In this ecstasy there is Infinite Love
and Wisdom. Your actions then will be in accordance with your living in
the present always and the reward for such action is phenomenal.
With this serenity there is joy of living, there is no need of control or
analysis because you are aware every moment, thus you free yourself from
all the virtues you think you should have or not have, which fill you with
conflict through strain and fear.
When you are free from all that bundle of virtues then there is no fear,
no opposites, there is just Love and Wisdom, and in Reality that is all there
is, to be truly creative.