P. 481


                           As long as you are caught-up in false values of right and wrong,
                    east and west, there can be no realization of the one Life in which there is
                    no division, no time, no distinction, no opposites. When you grasp the true

                    meaning of this, then your action will be pure action in accordance with
                    your realization of the One and One only, then there is no reaction.
                           If you are continually occupied with the self where there is attraction,
                    repulsion and continual struggle, then the Life that is free cannot be realized.

                    You put yourself in a cage which separates you from others and there is no
                    relationship which brings true happiness.
                           It is a true fact that your thought is limited by the lack of understanding

                    of your true Being now. To understand that which is limitless, unconditioned,
                    your mind must not be burdened by the thoughts of the self.
                           When your mind is burdened with the conflict of ethics you cannot

                    realize the truth of your Being. But if your mind is no longer bound by ethics,
                    by virtues, by distinctions, by separation, by divisions then you will compre-
                    hend what I mean by spontaneous action, free from reaction, free from Time,

                    free from separateness, in which there is no opposition. “My word shall not
                    return unto me void, but will accomplish that which it is sent forth to do.”
                           In Reality there is only the present. In man’s mind is the past or future.
                    Therefore to understand we can only do so in the present, not in the past or

                    future. Therefore this understanding cannot be postponed. Only when we free
                    ourselves from false values shall we be enlightened. This requires discernment,
                    in the present, of our motives, thoughts and reactions which are of the mind.

                    Then we will readily see that ignorance is not the absence of learning but
                    the confusion and conflict of values.
                           Are you confused wondering what is right or wrong? Are you con-
                    tinually caught up in this conflict? Are you an imitator, trying to mould your

                    life after a pattern? Have you created an image of what you think Reality
                    should be, and are you carefully fashioning yourself after it? And thereby
                    losing the substance of Reality?

                           If you imitate, by what means can you realize this enduring happiness
                    of the Ever-present Life? Life is Ever-present, Life is not separation but is
                    unbounded unity, you cannot understand this while the mind is occupied with

                    distinction, division, separation; only by seeing the false can you realize the
                           Is it not so that only when you are inwardly poor that you set up an

                    authority and worship it? You want to lean on someone because you are

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