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                    unequal to the task, you want to shelter in the comfort of an idea. This is
                    not Reality, it is but an illusion.
                           Life is Real, Life is the only Reality, It is complete in Itself expressing

                    Itself freely when the “individual self” becomes nothing. You can never know
                    what It is but you will know that It is Real, and your mind will no longer
                    be agitated by the worship of virtues and the horror of sin. Nor will you
                    follow in the narrow path of ethics which prevents your understanding.

                           When you mould yourself after a pattern, there is fear. To be without
                    fear you must know yourself to Be, understanding your vanities, jealousies,
                    envies, cravings, longing, hopes, regrets and fears. Fear disappears when you

                    seek understanding from the illusion of time.
                           If we can perceive our own emptiness and understand it, then we can
                    dissolve the cause of our emptiness, then there will be true understanding

                    of Life in the present which is Eternal. Then the ever-expanding consciousness
                    will always be the Reality, while all external to Itself can be discerned with

                           It is the one Infinite Life that is ever expressing Itself in Love and
                    Wisdom. Only when you limit Its action through narrow bigoted beliefs
                    do you prevent Its freedom in your own life here and now. This separation
                    in the mind of man is surely coming to an end.

                           John 10: 34-36 Jesus answered, “is it not written in your Law, ‘I said,
                    you are gods?’ If the Law said that they were gods, to whom the word of
                    God came—and scripture cannot be broken—do you mean to tell me, whom

                    the Father consecrated and sent into the world, ‘you are blaspheming,’ because
                    I said, ‘I am God’s Son’?”

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