P. 478

November 1954

                    My dear friends,

                           There have been many letters of appreciation of the method used in
                    the last few Monthly Letters of replying to questions from readers, but also

                    there have been letters from readers who have missed the extracts taken from
                    letters describing the wonderful work being done through the Sanctuary not
                    only on the plane of physical healing but also in human relations, domestic

                    adjustments, and the business world. Here are therefore a few extracts:-
                           “I would like you to know that since asking for help through the Sanctuary
                    for my school the friction that existed among some of my colleagues has

                    completely disappeared. Now there is harmony and peace resulting in better
                    school work and a much better relationship between the teachers and the
                    children. Mere words cannot express my gratitude for this wonderful help,

                    God bless you.” M.D.G. Cape.
                           “My heartfelt thanks go to you and the Sanctuary for the wonderful
                    help given to my daughter. The doctors were quite sure that a normal birth
                    was not possible and feared complications. She has since been delivered

                    of a most beautiful normal baby in a completely normal and easy birth.
                    Truly a miracle!” R.B. New Zealand.
                           “My son had a dreadful accident and there was hardly a part of him

                    that was whole, there was just no hope. My niece sent his name to you to
                    place in the Sanctuary Register and since then he has made a recovery
                    which seemed impossible. How can I ever, as a mother, thank you and the
                    Sanctuary for giving my son back to me. May your work continue to be

                    blessed so that many may know healing.” A.F. Rhodesia.
                           “For some time now I have been receiving your Monthly Letters
                    and have been reading your books and I would like to thank you for the

                    help they have brought me. My English is not good enough to express my
                    thank you, but it comes from my heart.” L. France.
                           “Your new book ‘Beyond the Himalayas’ has been a revelation

                    which I could not take in in one reading. I know I shall read this book over
                    and over again and in that reading I can feel my whole life changing. Thank
                    you for sharing your wonderful experiences with us.” R.T. Scotland.

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