P. 474


                    merely lap up what I say you are not listening, you are merely accepting
                    what I say because it suits your conditioning, then there is no relationship.
                    But if you listen to find out about yourself, to discover yourself, then there

                    is Truth.
                           I cannot tell you what Truth is, neither can anyone else. The one who
                    says he knows, does not know. But when one knows the self and its ways
                    then the Truth that is Eternal and Ever-present comes into being in you without

                    effort or struggle. How is it possible for individuals to co-operate and work
                    together if they cannot see the falseness of their beliefs, their divisions and
                    all the creations of the mind, good or bad.

                           Now the majority of people will say that you must meditate to find
                    this peace, to find freedom-Reality. Meditation is important, so we must find
                    out what is right meditation. If we do not know what is right meditation

                    there is no self-knowledge, and without knowing yourself meditation has
                    no meaning.
                           To sit in a corner or walk about in the garden and try to meditate on

                    unity has no meaning. Unity will merely be to you an idea. But there can be no
                    transformation of the self through an idea. You are merely concentrating
                    on an idea which is exclusion, and exclusion is not freedom.
                           As long as we retain our conceptions of individuality with its selfishness

                    there can be no release from the conflict either in or out. Right meditation
                    is first to find out what the false things are. We must also find out what we
                    call meditation.

                           Are you trying to quieten your mind through concentration? This is
                    generally mistaken for meditation. Do you repeat certain phrases in the
                    hope that you will acquire meditation? This is just a form of self-hypnosis.
                    It is merely a trick of the mind in which there is no understanding.

                           Meditation is not devotion to an idea, because things of the mind are
                    idolatrous, the worship of an idol or statue is idolatrous and silly supersti-
                    tion. In fact all things of the mind are idolatrous. To be devoted to an idea,

                    a picture, is not meditation, it is merely an escape from oneself. It is perhaps a
                    comforting escape, but it is still an escape without understanding.
                           Are we not Spiritual slaves? We have followed, imitated, set up authorities

                    while tradition, beliefs, divisions in society, in nationalities, have bound the
                    mind. In thought and emotion the individual has merely conformed, while in
                    his world of action he has built for himself a false security and in pursuing

                    his own security he has no security.

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