P. 472
October 1954
My dear friends,
The membership of the Sanctuary is increasing every day and every
day more and more letters are received from people who are being helped
through this medium, not only physically, but also in their relationship to
others through understanding themselves by discerning their own thought-
We cannot escape our relationship to people and things. Through
them we gain experience but we only begin to know ourselves when we
discern our thoughts and reactions. For freedom is a state of consciousness, an
awareness of unlimited Reality in which we live and move and have our
being and in which everyone is the same.
There is a sense of freedom with the study of Science of this new age,
and many people all over the world are beginning to question separation and
religion as it is taught today. For there can only be one religion, the Fatherhood
of God and the Brotherhood of man in the light of our new knowledge. If this
fundamental truth is rejected then there can be only sorrow and conflict for
the world.
There are some who think they live a Spiritual life, so they despise
the materialist. Are we not all materialistic in one sense or another? Do not
think that by giving names such as “material” or “spiritual” we are going
to solve the problem. By labelling this group or that group, this person or
that person, we are not going to find the truth. Many people who profess
God are unkind to others, this can never be Truth. On the other hand if a
person has real affection, loves people, is impersonal in thought and action,
he is often looked upon as not Spiritual, yet this person is much nearer the
mark than one who professes to love God and is unkind to others. We show
our love for God by our affection for our fellows.
To be aware of the “Presence” and being that “Presence” which is
never antagonistic, never separated, is the essential thing, and knowing that
understanding and love are its highest achievements in human life.