P. 461

August 1954

                    My dear friends,

                           I am glad to see that you have responded so well to my answering
                    your letters in the way I did last month. It is my desire that the Sanctuary will be

                    a help to all, no matter where or what they are. The Sanctuary is impersonal.
                    There is neither high nor low, good nor bad where the Sanctuary is concerned,
                    neither is there colour or creed, all are one in the Sanctuary.

                           I: Law of Life is no respecter of persons. It is in constant operation
                    and relentlessly brings to each individual exactly what he creates for what-
                    soever a man soweth that shall he reap.

                           II: There are certain qualities which we can acquire through under-
                    standing ourselves. When we see what we are doing, then only will a change
                           These qualities come to us when we see how we are responsible for

                    our conditioning and environment. Have you a mental attitude or are you
                    interfering, are you a gossiper, whispering stories about another which you
                    know are not true? Even if they are true, you are destroying yourself by

                    repeating them.
                           III: Your mental attitude is the general tone of your thinking. Check
                    up on your thinking. Check up on your thought first before you speak the
                    spoken word. Never write a word that you would not like to express. A good

                    exercise is to sit quietly and look on your thinking for a short while each day
                    for a week. This is your world within and it will shortly out-picture itself.
                    Then you realize that a change of mind is essential. To become aware of your

                    thought-feeling-reaction is most necessary if you are to revitalize your life
                           You will be surprised when you really examine your thinking coura-

                    geously, regardless of how good or bad your thoughts may be, you will know
                    what you are and knowing what you are is the first step to freedom. It is better
                    to know what you are now than to let that self play havoc in the future.

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