P. 458

JULY 1954

                           There is sufficient scientific skill in the world to produce food and things
                    for everybody. But the ideas of nationalities such as the English, the American,
                    the Chinese, the Russians and the many different racial antagonisms are

                    preventing man from making plans for world distribution. Therefore the
                    struggle and misery in the world is increased.
                           When I begin to understand the material I can proceed step by step
                    to the deeper things. There I can find out what is Real and what is false.

                    But when I assume I am different because of my nationality, because of
                    my belief, I will dwell in the illusion of separation which brings struggle
                    and misery into the world.

                           It is only when I come to that point where I can find out the signifi-
                    cance of Life, what it really means to love my neighbour as myself and not
                    a dictionary meaning, not a theological or a philosophical meaning for me

                    to follow, when we come to that point we can discuss the dreams of our
                    ideals with goodwill. Therefore the understanding of what is true and what
                    is false gives freedom and therefore happiness.

                           It is only when we reach the source of our Creativeness that we can
                    sleep at night undisturbed by our success or failure, our pleasures or pains,
                    by our differences etc., we will sleep peacefully understanding the Law of
                    Creation, and while we sleep the “Lord” is preparing the way. The Higher

                    Intelligence will be active in our affairs.
                           At first you will perhaps not find immediate results, but to be assured
                    that the Presence is always immediately present is sufficient. One must be

                    careful not to make the mind unstable by the conflict of opposites. “Thy faith
                    hath made thee whole,” the master said. It is this understanding faith that
                    you must have, then the Infinite Life will be given free expression.
                           When you understand that it is the Father who is ever working in

                    you, you will know that results are assured. “Whatsoever I see the Father
                    doing so I do in like manner.” If you can understand this then there is pure
                    action, which is creative.

                           It is difficult for the one who is conditioned to discern the difference
                    between pure action and reaction. We must understand that all things external
                    are relative, and what is relative has no power of its own except the power

                    we give to it. Remember that struggling brings frustration and fear.
                           When we fear, our faith is on the same yardstick. We measure them
                    both by our success and failures so we fail to see the faith that the Master

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