P. 457


                           When this is accomplished the self dissolves away and we learn the
                    art of pure action from within, which sets in action ways and means without
                    struggle, knowing that there is no opposing force, no other power, therefore

                    the law fulfils itself according to our understanding.
                           Pure action alone brings results without struggle, while reaction to
                    things external is always a degree of misunderstanding. When we discover
                    that we are always fighting reactions without understanding what they are,

                    we will begin to wake up to what we are doing, otherwise we hold on to
                    them. This happens whether they are pleasurable or painful.
                           We generally accept the pleasant and deny the unpleasant. There is

                    very little difference between the one who is seeking pleasure through God (?)
                    and the one who is seeking pleasure through sensate desires. Are they not
                    both seeking pleasure through different planes of consciousness? The one

                    seeks gratification through God (?) and the other seeks gratification through
                    sensate things.
                           The so-called Spiritual person says, I do not like theatres, cinemas,

                    physical adornment etc., and follows his ideal. He denies the worldly
                    pleasures and follows his ideal that gives him pleasure. But the so-called
                    Spiritual man is also seeking pleasure, as does the man who seeks pleasure
                    through the sensate things.

                           Both are stupid because they are the cause of struggle and misery, not
                    only within but without. While the one pursues the materialistic struggle, the
                    other follows his belief, a struggle between good and evil and other beliefs.

                    To him terms become very important. “Your God” and “my God,” “your
                    ceremonies” and “my ceremonies.” “I am a Christian,” “you are a Jew,” “I am
                    a Mohammedan” and “you are an infidel.” Just as one creates havoc in the
                    world so does the other. In fact the so-called Spiritual man does more harm.

                           It is easier to deal with the sensate desires in which one is pursuing
                    pleasure, than one who is pursuing pleasure through ideation. The latter is
                    much more dangerous, because he is pursuing his pleasure through his

                    ideas that divide men more than things divide men.
                           The Left and the Right are pursuing ideas, not things. If they were
                    pursuing things it would be much easier to come to terms. It is because his

                    ideas are more important than things, and his belief is superior to yours and so
                    on, that he lives in separation. The system becomes more important than
                    the distribution of things. It is not things that are dividing men but ideas.

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