P. 440

APRIL 1954

                    Energy in manifestation. Pluck a flower and It is there. In a handful of
                    earth you hold it in your hand. The world about us is no longer a prison-
                    house, the air, the sky reveal Its Presence.

                           Reality has ceased to become a stranger, something afar off, for we
                    become conscious of Its Presence from which we cannot be separated.
                           Although we are discussing on the intellectual level it is most essential
                    that we experience what is said, for it to merely remain on the intellectual

                    level is of little value. We must experience in the deeper state of consciousness
                    a Livingness that is not a limitation or a mental formulation, this comes as
                    we clear the mind of all hindrances and this is done automatically as we

                    see what is false, what the mind is made up of.
                           When we see that our mental formulations regarding matter are
                    problematical we will cease to regard solidity as something to be carried,

                    something to stumble over. When we realize that it is the manifestation of
                    the Unmanifest we will free ourselves from these mental formulations that
                    burden and limit us. We will know freedom in a free Universe when formerly

                    there was nothing but burdens and limitations.
                           We can reach that state of consciousness of the Master in which the
                    Creative Life works with effortless spontaneity to achieve the perfection of
                    which It Itself is.

                           We will realize that the “One Life” is creating within us, with that
                    effortless perfection as it is manifesting throughout the whole Universe, for
                    there can be no separation between the Life in us and the Life that is Universal

                    in Its Omnipresence. Wherever there is perfection there the Absolute has
                    found release through the mind that has been freed from its own conditioning.
                    The Absolute has found release through Its own Creation, the Creator and
                    His Creation become one as they always were from the very beginning.

                           When the mind is freed from its own conditioning, its beliefs, its
                    images, its ideas etc., there comes a Silence beyond time in which you become
                    conscious of the Truth of your “Being.” Then there is freedom and in this

                    freedom there is the releasing of the Creative Energy in all Its own perfection.
                    “It is the Father who ever remaineth within me, He is performing His own

                           In great works, in the arts and crafts, in commerce and industry, there is
                    the hand of genius, with freedom and experience we co-operate with the
                    Creative Genius that which is Life’s expression and which amazes all who

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