P. 435
The more imitative we are the less confidence we have, for we have
made Life into a copybook.
From early childhood we have been told what to do, we follow a
tradition, a way of life laid down for us to imitate. Only when you have seen
the stupidity of this can you have the confidence to find out for yourself. Then
you will gain that extraordinary inward certainty to know what is Truth and
what is not.
This confidence comes not from knowing what others say, but from
knowing your own thoughts and feelings and what is happening in yourself
and around you. When we know our own thoughts, feelings, experiences,
memories, their truth, their falsehood, their significance, their absurdity, then we
can clear up the whole field of confusion which is ourselves. With the end
of this confusion comes confidence and freedom and in this freedom is Reality
Itself. It is no longer an idea or a formulation of the mind but the Truth Itself
freed from all illusions.
Is it not because we are confused that we want a leader? But can there
ever be right leadership? What we should be doing is to help each other to
understand the confusion that exists in the mind-heart, with this understanding
comes freedom and truth.
It is only when we do not want to understand confusion that we run
away from it, and turn to a leader or someone even more confused than
ourselves to lead us. If we are trying to find an answer then we will be
caught-up in the confusion. Only when we can look at that confusion
without trying to find a way out of it can we understand how to clear it up.
Then we will be as free as the air. We will love. We will not follow, we will
not need any leaders. Then will come a society that will lead to permanent
peace, through love and understanding.
Let us look at the world today, people are not seeking the Truth, they
are only trying to find a way out of their difficulties, and that is the misery
of it all. We want leaders to direct us, to pull us along, to force us, to make
us conform, which inevitably leads to destruction and greater suffering.
We refuse to see the cause of suffering which is happening before
our eyes. So we want a right leader to put us right. Is this not the height of
immaturity? For there is no such thing as a right leader. Does not leadership
denote a deterioration of society. A leader in society is a destructive element.
The world is on the verge of a catastrophe and is rapidly disintegrating
and merely to find another leader—a new President, a new Churchill or a new