P. 437

April 1954

                    My dear friends,

                           In Reality there is no such thing as a stranger. We are strangers to
                    each other because we are conditioned by our religions, our nationalities,
                    our groups, our societies. It is these false things that make us strangers.

                    When all these things are understood we see how false they are, then we
                    find that Livingness that we have in common with one another. When this
                    is found then we are no longer strangers.

                           Revival of ignorance will not help the world, only by seeing the things
                    that are making us strangers to one another will help the world, for the world
                    is the people. We make the world what it is.

                           The cause of the strife that is happening all over the world today is
                    deeply rooted in ourselves and not until we see that we are the cause will
                    transformation take place, for what we are within so will the outer be.

                           This month I have had a host of letters of gratitude for help given by
                    the Sanctuary in all sorts of troubles, from sickness, loss of dear ones to
                    domestic upheavals etc. Here are just a few extracts:-
                           “I am amazed at the complete recovery of our son Jim. Only a few

                    days ago we were told that he could not live. A friend of ours a Mr. S. . ,
                    told us about the Sanctuary. When I wrote to you I was in a dreadful state
                    of mind. I received your reply saying that our son would get well. At first

                    I could not believe it but when I went to the hospital that very day our boy
                    was well on the way to recovery. God bless you for your wonderful deed.”
                    S.G. Transvaal.
                           “The impossible has happened again. You will remember I wrote to

                    you telling that that big project was off. You wrote me saying that the project
                    would be reconsidered and finalized satisfactorily. I did not believe you.
                    I could not see how it could happen, but it did happen. What I want to know

                    now is how do you do it or how did you know? Puzzled but extremely
                    grateful.” McK. Cape.
                           “How can I ever thank you for your wonderful help. Our home life

                    is now very happy, my husband has completely changed. His drinking habits
                    have stopped entirely and now he is the lovely person he always was. God
                    bless you.” T.J. Southern Rhodesia.

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