P. 436

MARCH 1954

                    Stalin, a different god and so on—is utterly useless because, being confused,
                    we can only choose according to the conditioning of our own minds, which
                    are confused. What we have to do is to clear out our own confusion through

                    understanding it so that confusion may be set aside. When we understand
                    ourselves then we will begin to see clearly.
                           Without self-knowledge we will be eternally caught-up in confusion
                    therefore it is most important at this time that the individual begins with him/

                    herself and the moment we understand confusion we will be free from it.
                           Therefore it is not an escape from confusion we need but the under-
                    standing of the cause of confusion which is ourselves.

                           John 15: 5 and 10, “I am the vine, you are the branches. He who
                    remains in me, as I in him, bears rich fruit (because apart from me you
                    can do nothing.)

                           “If you keep my commands, you will remain within my love, just
                    as I have kept my Father’s commands and remain within his love.”


                           O Eternal One, Thou alone art Life Ever-present everywhere ever
                    expressing Thyself in all Thy creation.

                           O Mighty One, I searched in vain in the highways and the by-ways
                    and could not find Thee until I dissolved my own creations.
                           Then, O Benign One, I felt Thy Presence and knew Thy Love and

                    Wisdom was also mine. Now I know the meaning of the words, “a branch
                    cannot bear fruit unless it abides on the vine,” O Divine One.

                             MY PEACE AND MY LOVE REMAIN WITH YOU

                                                                              Yours very sincerely,
                                                                       Murdo MacDonald-Bayne

                    *  Digest version of Lecture #1 (14th April 1953) in the book “Wisdom is the Fountain of Life.”

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