P. 432

March 1954
                    My dear friends,
                           This month there has been a number of letters asking for enlighten-

                    ment. This is a good sign because it shows that people are beginning to think
                    and not merely have emotional reactions.
                           Most people are conditioned by their fixed ideas, not knowing whether
                    they are true or not because they do not know what an idea is. When we know

                    how a belief or an idea arises we see that it is mental and not Spiritual. It is
                    only when we free ourselves from these limitations that we become Spiritual.
                           The Spiritual side of our nature we do not create, we only create the

                    mental side. These beliefs and ideas whether they be religious or otherwise
                    are of the mind and only create separation. Love-Life that created the body
                    existed before the body was created and will exist after the body has dissolved

                    into the Substance out of which it has been created. We do not create the body,
                    we only destroy it by our ignorance. The True thing we do not create, we
                    only create the false which we think is true. So we quarrel over the false, our

                    ideas, our images, our beliefs, our ideologies. We only quarrel over the things
                    we create, we do not quarrel over the things which we do not create.
                           Therefore to discern what is in the mind is of great importance to free
                    ourselves from confusion so that that which is Real, that which is Eternal

                    and Ever-present will manifest.
                           What the inner is so shall the outer be. If the inner is fed on ignorance,
                    ill-will, antagonism, so will the outer reflect what the mind is, for mind and

                    body are interlocked. But if we see what the mind is made up of and know
                    it to be our own creation, the result of our experiences, our memories, our
                    beliefs, our fears and hates etc., these will drop from us and only then that
                    which is Eternal, that which existed before the body was created, will become

                    the inner and the outer shall reflect the Real, the Christ in man.
                           I have not left room for any letters this month but will give a few extracts
                    next month from the many received asking for enlightenment.

                                              THY WILL NOT MINE*

                                  “The wind blows where it wills, you can hear its
                                    sound, but you never know where it has come
                                    from or where it goes; it is the same with everyone

                                    who is born of the Spirit.” John 3: 8.

                    *  See Notes page 435                  431
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