Page 46 - mediscene nov19
P. 46
Patients related documents:
General consent to be taken for each patients mentioning consultation fees
Each patient should be well informed about the procedure charge list
Charge list should be available at reception and billing counter
Transparent billing
Consent to be taken for each procedure explaining risk , indication and procedure
Prioritization according to illness and for old patients, mentally challenged, pregnant
lady and children should be well explained to staff
Well maintained MLC register
Emergency patient care and register
BLS register
Patients documents should be well maintained and reproducible, EMR is preferred
Prescription in Capital letters or printed with proper dosing and signed.
Patients monitoring at admission, progress and discharge should be well
documented and properly signed
Patient's documents should be preserved for legally required periods and
Adequate staff medical and paramedical according to bed strength
Patient friendly clinic including Clean, hygienic and labeled washrooms. Toilet bar,
Anti slippery staircase and stair railing.
Writing SOP & Manuals :
Most time consuming part of NABH process
Apex Manual : should include vision, mission , policies of hospital. Defined scope of
services of hospital
Staff details, organogram .
Key indicators of the hospital functioning, audit scope and indicators should be defined
Access, assessment and continuity of care (AAC)
1) Define services, diagnostic treatment facilities, outsourced facilities and
exclusion. Display prominently in dual language. Educate staff
2) Defined policy for registration, admission and transfer, staff should aware about
V 43 Nov
Vol. : 18 - Issue : 1ol. : 18 - Issue : 1