Page 3 - Observer January 20, 2017
P. 3

LOCAL NEWS                         The St. Kitts-Nevis Observer. Friday January 20, 2017                                          Page 3
        Police Mum on Status of Alleged Police/Soldier Robbers

        Complainant “kicked” his way to safety

        By Monique Washington    ing the residence, and                             out of the ignition.  the Gingerland police   started kicking him in the
                                 while driving in the                               Daniel states that he  station, but when they  upper part of his body,”
        The high command of      Indian Castle area, the                            told the officer that he  got to Market Shop and  he states.
        the Royal St. Christopher  officers heard a noise                           wanted to make a for-  the vehicle did not make
        and Nevis Police Force   on the roof of the                                 mal compliant at the  a left turn he knew some-  Daniel noted that at that
        are mum on actions that  pick-up truck and then                             Gingerland    Police  thing was wrong.   He   time the officer lost con-
        will or have been taken  saw the individual                                 Station and he needed  noted that the vehicle  trol of the vehicle and
        about an officer and a   given the ride attempt-                            back his keys. When   was driving very fast.  collided with an excava-
        soldier that allegedly   ing to enter the cab of                            the officer refused to                        tor.
        robbed and kidnapped a   the         vehicle.                               give him back his key  “When he got to the
        business man in Nevis.   I n v e s t i g a t i o n s                        he told the officer “I  vicinity  of     the  “I went flying in the air.
                                 revealed that from the                             am jumping to the     Community Center in     I dropped I rolled and I
        The Observer made an     roof, the individual                               back of the truck. I  Hanley Road I Managed   got up. As I was prepar-
        attempt to contact the   struck the officer in                              want you to take me to  to get up from the bottom  ing to take off for my life
        Commissioner of Police   the face, and started to                           the Gingerland police  of the pickup started  the driver of the vehicle
        Ian Queely on Thursday   pull  the   steering                               station.”             beating my hands on the  which was the police
        but was told he was not  wheel, causing the dri-                                                  top of the truck asking  office said don’t run I am
        there, the Observer then  ver to lose control and                           Daniel states that the  him to put me off here”.  going to shoot you. But I
        spoke    to   Assistant  collide with a parked                              officer never replied,                        dive off my feet and
        Commissioner of Police   excavator. The Police                              “I then jumped in the  He states the vehicle was  through some bushes
        Terrance James. When     Officer was accompa-      Michael ‘Boy’ Daniel     truck and sat in the  coming to a very dark   fell, rolled over and get
        questioned about the sta-  nied on patrol by a                              back of the tray and  area where only animal  up again.” He said.
        tus of the police officer  member   of    the    He further states that     asked him to take me  resides which made him
        as to whether they had   Defence Force.   Both   when he got out of his  to the Ginger-land police  scared for his life.  He noted that eventually
        been    suspended    or  occupants were taken to  vehicle he noticed that  station.”                                      he made it to a friend’s
        charged with any crime   the Alexandra Hospital  one of the men had on                            “I slipped myself on the  house who suggested that
        the    Observer    was   for treatment. The Police  army clothing and had a  Continuing, he alleges  top of the truck, I barely  he not stay at home that
        referred to police a press  officer  remained  for  long gun and the other  that the officer told him  held on to the signal  night. He claims that he
        release which states “An  observations.”         one wore dark colored   “if you want to die      lights… I slipped my two  did not and in the morn-
        investigation  into  a                           clothes with the words  tonight we gone kill     feet in the driver’s win-  ing sought his attorney
        Police vehicle accident  The Observer contacted  “police” in the back.   you.”                    dow, my buttocks feel on  Henry Browne QC and
        and a subsequent report  the virtual compliant                                                    the ridge of the door.  made a formal report to
        of robbery against the   Michael “Boy” Daniel on  “I also saw a white pick-  Daniels states that when  The officer opened the  the police station.
        patrol team driving the  Wednesday, who said     up truck.  I think the  the vehicle took off from  door pulling it back and
        vehicle have come under  that the police’s state-  word police was on it. I  Rawlins with him in the  forth like he wanted me  The police states the
        the scrutiny of local    ments of events are false.  have seen it many times  back he thought they  to fall off. As the door  investigation into this
        media houses.”                                   before and I know it is a  would have taken him to  was coming back in, I  matter is still ongoing.
                                 According to the official  police vehicle because of
        It further quotes ACP    compliant    statement  the blue light on top of
        Hilroy Brandy saying     obtained by the Observer  it,” he states.
        “Police   investigations  the virtual compliant
        requires time and thor-  Daniel states that “during  Daniel states that after he
        oughness to ensure the   my sleep I felt someone  began making noise for
        protection of the rights of  searching me and when I  his money the police
        all involved.”           opened my eyes I realize  officer told his to “shut
                                 someone had my wallet   your mouth. You drunk.”
        A statement released by  in their hands taking out
        the police on January 12  my money, the person   “I continued to make
        states “Initial investiga-  then threw the wallet  noise and by doing so he
        tions revealed, that the  back into my jeep.  I  said he was going to lock
        patrol responded to a call  picked up my wallet and  me up.”
        of a suspicious vehicle in  realized that the money
        the Rawlins Village area.  was gone.”            He said the officer sum-
        Upon arrival, the officers                       moned the solider for his
        stopped and spoke to an  He claims that at the time  handcuffs. He said that
        individual who they later  there was US$600 in his  he told the officer that he
        offered a lift home. The  wallet and when the per-  was not going to hand-
        investigation      also  son threw the wallet back  cuff him and the officer
        revealed that after leav-  in there was no money.  then pulled Daniels key
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