Page 4 - Observer January 20, 2017
P. 4
Page 4 The St. Kitts-Nevis Observer. Friday January 20, 2017 COMMENTARY
Editorial From the Supervisor of Elections
Two Stories In One January 31st is a special Any properly registered shown. Such movement
voter can make an objec-
date in the electoral cal-
seems optional, but it is
endar of the Federation. tion to any registered advisable to do so once
It is the day set in law, by person, upon the form one has changed address;
In true Dickensian style, it was good news and bad news at the which the annual register prescribed by law. The and especially if one has
same time. The headline read: 31 murders, one murder convic- of voters (ARV) is to be person objected to will resided at the new abode
tion, 34 guns removed from the streets. All of this happened in published for public be written to via regis- for 12 months or more.
2016. scrutiny. This is a regis- tered post at the address In other words, after 12
ter of all persons who given at registration; months of continuous
We commend the security forces for their diligence in removing have successfully regis- advised of the objection residence (please pro-
that many firearms from the streets: guns that at some time more tered in the preceding and invited to attend a duce proof of address),
than likely would have been or was used in the commission of a period from December hearing to determine come into the offices and
crime or crimes. Clearly the strategies of stop and search, the two years earlier to his/her eligibility. That request the change.
objectee may choose to
November of the previ-
profiling, the pressure and the presence are yielding heartening ous year. Thus, the pub- attend the hearing or to Unlike an objection, a
results. We can only hope that the recovered guns – and ammu- lication that will be have representation made claim for transfer does
nition - are properly disposed of and would not be stolen from the launched at the end of on his or her behalf. In not result in disenfran-
precincts. this month will cover the any case, whether pre- chisement, rather the reg-
period December 2015 to sent, absent or represent- istrant remains registered
We also congratulate those persons in the community who shared November 2016. ed, the Registration at the old address until
information that resulted in the discovery of the arms and in the Officer is obligated to confirmed in the new. It
conviction of the murderer. While it is unclear whether there were That list should NOT hear the “case”, conduct is our intention to void
other murder prosecutions, and if so what were the results. contain the names of per- his/her own investigation any objection received if
Evidently, one of 31 (a 3% conviction rate) is too low a result to sons who have died with- and issue a decision on during the notification
engender any sense of satisfaction. We want more; we want TV in the period nor those whether that person process for the objection,
style results for TV style behaviour! Commonwealth citizens should remain registered the individual applies for
who have repatriated. It or be removed from the a transfer. This last point
Meanwhile, we note the Government’s success in establishing may also not contain the register. Unfortunately, will be done for the first
additional Courts, both Magistrate and High; and the recruitment names of persons whose these are the only options time in 2017.
of magistrates and judges to speed up the judicial process. If all registration was success- open to the Registration Sometimes a name is
Officer under the current
works well, there will be no more justice delayed. Bravo, bravo! who did not seek re-reg- law. It must be stressed, inadvertently omitted
While we have your attention, it is time for Magistrate Courts to istration. however, that the burden from the ARV. Anyone
have stenographers rather than this dictation that still happens. of proof lies with the who was registered but
This ARV typically gives objector and must be ver- whose name does not
Another player in this crime control scenario is the Police as crime rise to objections to ified by the Electoral appear should also come
scene evidence gatherers. We are putting it to the authorities that names that are included Official. Further, any into the office with the
better, more consistent evidentiary training is required for our and claims for names that and all decisions are sub- receipt of their registra-
police officers. Their bodies need sharpening (some are too out- should have been includ- ject to judicial review. tion for the correction to
of-shape), their minds need sharpening and their writing needs ed as well as claims for be made.
refining. Too many of the rank engage in behaviour unbecoming transfers from one con- A claim, usually a claim It must be emphasised
of an officer of the law and so are not respected while in uniform. stituency and polling for transfer, is made by that the aim of the
Too many of them, especially the new recruits, become engrossed division to another. It the Registrant him/her- Electoral Office is not to
can be a very confusing
in cell phone activity, oblivious to their surroundings. It is time for time and behoves us at self, again on the pre- disenfranchise any eligi-
In this
scribed form.
basic training and re-training. the Electoral Office to case, the registrant is ble voter, but rather to
explain the procedure asking to be placed in a ensure that each regis-
Finally, a word to lawyers. Prepare yourselves for Court, and stop and set out some guide- constituency and/or trant has one vote in the
requesting postponement of hearings. It is a natural and human lines. polling division other right place and at the
tendency for eye-witnesses to forget what looks like minute details than the one currently right time.
of a case. A witness who cannot remember the exact date and
time of an event that happened so long ago can easily become a
ments that were given so long ago. Is this a defense strategy? In Support of Capital Punishment
discredited witness, as they stumble over details of their state-
Lift the profession above such gimmickry! By Michael S. Blake
Let us work towards crime reduction in a meaningful way for 2017.
One Ewin James, writing an opinion reality that very few murderers are
piece in this The Observer newspaper of caught and convicted, and that even
13th instant argues pro capital punish- fewer are sentenced to death, it is fair to
ment as a fit, fair and just penalty for conclude that the celestially high level of
those who visit murder on others of their unwarranted killings will persist, giving
fellowmen. rise to a sickening societal acceptance of
such internecine behaviour as ‘normal’,
I support the proposition. even to be expected, as one’s sensitivity
to and sense of umbrage at these murders
Publisher/Editor-in-Chief: Kenneth Williams The unpalatable fact of the matter is that become numb and inured over time.
General Manager: Julio Rosario St. Kitts and Nevis, a classic small-island
state with a population hovering around Yet I am convinced that a suffocating
St. Kitts Nevis 50,000 souls, and occupying a physical
POB 657, Lower Market Street #1 Observer Plaza, Observer Drive landmass of some 104 sq. miles, aver- anger and a tide of discontent at these
killings run the gamut of social strata,
Basseterre, St. Kitts, W.I. Charlestown, Nevis, W.I. ages 25 or so murders per year, and as
Tel.: (869) 466-4994 Tel.: (869) 469-5907 such, ‘boasts’ a per capita murder rate of some of it bred by despair arising from a
Fax: (869) 466-4995 Fax: (869) 469-5891 approximately 50 per 100,000 persons. sense of individual helplessness under- Email: pinned by a real or perceived inability to
‘do something about it’.
Website: When this statistic is juxtaposed with the
figure for Singapore being 0.5, 20 for But, more importantly, and more ger-
Editorial Policy: The Observer reserves the right to edit, rewrite, summarise Nigeria, for the USA 6, for Jamaica 38, mane to this debate, is the defiant refusal
or reject any unsolicited material. We will assume that all letters addressed to 26 for St Vincent and the Grenadines, of the powers that be to activate the cap-
The Observer or its staff are intended for publication unless otherwise stated. and 30 for Antigua, it becomes frighten- ital punishment apparatus that our laws
Letter writers are required to sign their names and are asked to include a tele- ingly clear that we have a serious prob- provide as a definitive means of address-
phone number to allow verification. Views expressed in letters, commentaries lem with murder in our beloved ing the vexing issue.
or personal columns do not necessarily represent the viewpoint of this news- Federation.
paper. Limit submissions to 1000 words
If one couples the foregoing with the Continued on page 14