Page 9 - Observer January 20, 2017
P. 9

LOCAL NEWS                            The St. Kitts-Nevis Observer. Friday January 20, 2017                                       Page 9
                              NEPAC Roof Repaired by Surrey Paving

                                          Roof will last years say CEO

         By Monique Washington   building.               Government    of   the  ties, a parking area for  speakers and stage.    CEO of the Cultural
                                                         Republic of China on    over 100 vehicles, a media                       Development foundation
         The leaking roof at the  NEPAC completed con-   Taiwan.                 room and a lighting and  The Observer was told at  Keith Scarbrough. Work
         Nevis Performing Arts   struction in 2011 and the                       audio room.              the time that sounding  is being done by Surrey
         Centre has been finally  building was officially  The Center includes a                          materials in the roof were  Paving.
         fixed by the Jamaican   opened in April 2012    400-seat  theater,  two  The $14.5 million state-  damaged and that lighting
         company, Surrey Paving  under    the     Nevis  dressing rooms, storage  of–the–art building has  and speakers were also  Speaking  with   CEO
         Aggregates, the firm that  Reformation Party. It was  rooms, a large courtyard, a  been closed after heavy  affected. Seats were wet  Scarbrough on Wednes-
         was hired to construct the  funded primarily by the  canteen, bathroom facili-  rainfalls late last year.  but are currently being  day he noted that repairs
                                                                                 Rain water was seen      dried.                  have been completed and
             Grant Calls for Improved                                            through a video that went  NEPAC has received its  only the cleaning of the
                                                                                                                                  Air Conditioning Docks
                                                                                 viral, pouring through the
                                                                                                          full repairs and it will be
                                                                                                                                  needs to be done. When
                                                                                 ceiling of the center and
         Standards to Drive Tourism                                              soaking chairs, carpet,  up and running fully in     Continued on page 14
                                                                                                          February, according to the
        By Loshaun Dixon                                 island.
        Basseterre, St. Kitts-                           “We have to uplift the
        Minister   of  Tourism                           town and the villages to
        Lindsay Grant is calling                         make sure they are at a
        for improved standards in                        high standard so when
        the upkeep of Basseterre                         the visitors come they are
        over current practices in                        also satisfied. It is a work
        order to help drive the                          in progress and we have
        tourism sector in St.                            to make sure everyone is
        Kitts.                                           a part of the work we
                                 Hon. Lindsay Grant Min.  have to do,” he said.
        Mr. Grant told reporters  of Tourism (file photo)
        the people of St. Kitts and                      He identified one of their
        Nevis must ensure that   “We have begun the      biggest challenges is get-
        the industry is kept at a  process  of  signage  ting people to understand
        high level that the people  around  Basseterre  to  the business of tourism
        would want to portray to  make sure people know  belongs to the entire
        visitors.                                        country.
                                 where they are going. We
        The government minister  have fixed the Berkeley  “Any infraction that we
        said he was unhappy with  Memorial, we painted it,  have and we suffer in the
                                 we are doing the mechan-
        cleanliness   in    the                          industry is not against
        Basseterre area and that  ical work and we are   just the ministry but
        improvements need to be  bringing  in  someone   against the total country,”
                                 from Germany to make
        made in that regard.                             he stated.
                                 sure it is actually work-
        “Cleanliness  is  very   ing,” he added.         Grant also revealed the
        important.   I’m very                            establishment of a com-
        unhappy at the break-    Mr. Grant revealed plans  munity tourism depart-
        down in cleanliness in the  to repair the fountains in  ment to expand the indus-
                                 the square as well as the
        Basseterre area. We have                         try in the rural areas.
        to do something about    fountain  in   Pretoria
        that to bring it up to the  Gardens.             “We have developed in
        standard it should be,” he  “We are going to fix  the Ministry a communi-
        said.                    those fountains and put  ty tourism department to
                                 them back into working  engage the people in the
        He said the Tourism      and pristine condition,”  rural areas to make sure
        Ministry has been mak-                           they are part of the
        ing some gains in that   he said.                tourism industry and that
        regard, but urged the peo-  He made a plea to    they are not left out,” he
        ple to play a bigger role.                       concluded.
                                 increase standards on the

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