Page 11 - Observer January 20, 2017
P. 11

LOCAL NEWS                            The St. Kitts-Nevis Observer. Friday January 20, 2017                                      Page 11
                   WAHS Dominates Inaugural Relay Competition

        By Loshaun Dixon         the all relay event. How-  Charles  E    Mills  around the track for the  ture the victory.      in blow outs. The U 18
                                 ever only the schools were  Secondary Sc-hool who  final lap Ponteen chipped                     male category saw the
        Basseterre, St. Kitts-The  involved in the competi-  dominated from begin-  away at Huggins’lead and  However in the competi-  WAHS taking victory to
        Washington Archi-bald    tion aspect of the meet.  ning to end and were fol-  with 110 meters left in the  tion among the schools  end the medleys.
        High School (WAHS)                               lowed   by   the  Ross  race slimmed it down to  the day belonged to the
        Track and Field put in a  On a rainy and cold    University   and   the  mere feet.               Washington   Archibald  The   competition  then
        top notch performance at  Sunday afternoon, the  Verchilds High School.                           High School and the     went into sprint events
        the inaugural Giant Malt  races started off with the                     With Ponteen breathing   Charles E Mills Secon-  with the 4x200m that was
        Relay Fes-tival held at the  females 18 and over dis-  In the very next race, the  down his neck Huggins  dary School. In the U-14  dominated  by  the
        Silver Jubilee Stadium on  tance medley that saw the  18 + males, the fair sized  went into a full on sprint  female distant medleys  Washington  Archibald
        Sun-day (Jan. 15) winning  teams participating in a  crowd witnessed what  to try and separate from  the Washington Archi-  High School.
        the most gold medals in  variety of legs. The first  could only be described as  his  competition  but  bald High School coasted
        the competition.         leg was 800m, the second  a classic between Extreme  Ponteen then started his  to an easy victory. The  In the U14 female the
                                 400m, a 1200m was the   Velocity and Fast Twitch  sprint about 10 meters  male’s medley in that cat-  WAHS came from behind
        Ten learning institution as  third and a 1600m round-  track  clubs.  Extreme  later reacting to the race  egory was cancelled after  in the final leg following a
        well as three track and  ed out the race. That inau-  Velocity with O’Brian  leaders actions to set up a  heavy rains that fell after  bad baton exchange by the
        field clubs participated in  gural race was won by the  ‘Straw’ Huggins running  ding dong battle for the  the race had started.  CEMSS team. The Cayon
                                                         the final leg revived the  finish.                                       High School and the
                                                         baton with a comfortable                         Following the rain delay  Immaculate Conception
        NRPReadyforElection                              30 meter lead ahead of  When Huggins started to  the distant medleys con-  Catholic School despite
                                                                                                                                  trailing early on fought
                                                                                 tire Ponteen found the
                                                                                                          tinued with the U16 cate-
                                                         Leroy Ponteen of Fast
                                                                                                                                  back on the final two legs
                                                                                 added energy needed to
                                                                                                          gories in the male and
        Parry -CCM                                       As they made their laps  catch Huggins on the line  female categories which  Continued on page 14
                                                                                                          was both won by CEMSS
                                                                                 and edge him out to cap-
        will call it when
        leadership is settled
         By Monique Washington   really matter. The good
                                 thing is I think I’m in
         The leader of the Nevis  good company because
         Reformation Party the   Keith Mitchell made a
         Hon Joseph Parry is con-  similar statement that
         fident that the Nevis   he’s looking to his suc-
         Island Assembly Elec-   cessor.  No person no
         tion will be held this  matter if you are a part of
         year, after the Concerned  an organization you have
         Citizens Movement deal  to look to the days when
         with internal matters.  you are succeeded. You
                                 must prepare for that,” he
         Speaking with the leader  said. “In private life as
         Thursday, The Observer  well a lot of our people
         understands that the NRP  do not prepare for retire-
         is “ready” for the upcom-  ment and when it comes
         ing election. Hon Parry  it hits them like a ton of
         says that he feels that  bricks  although  they
         election will be called  have worked for it their
         “once CCM settle on a   entire lives.
                                 The CCM party has
         “There is no doubt in my  diversities tactics, “I am
         mind that there have    not going to fall for them
         been plans to call an   now and I have never
         early election. I believe  fallen for them. CCM has
         last year serious consid-  a major problem with
         eration was given to call  leadership and that is
         an election but CCM was  what they need to settle
         not ready because they  right now.  Once they
         did not settle their leader-  decided who will lead the
         ship problem and that   party we will have a
         problem still remains   clearer picture of where
         unresolved, and regard-  they are going.”
         less of what they are say-
         ing it is a serious prob-  When questioned on the
         lem they have. I believe  NRP’s  campaign   he
         that is one of the prob-  noted they are “dealing
         lems why they haven’t   with things one by one”.
         called and election yet,”
         Mr. Parry said.         “The website should be
                                 up in a week or two, we
         The CCM party which is  have done considerate
         headed by Hon Vance     work on our manifesto
         Amory has, to date, not  once they announce the
         publicly announced any  election that is when we
         shift in leadership of the  would launch our mani-
         party. The leader howev-  festo’’.
         er told another media
         house that when it comes  When questioned about
         to retiring this year that,”  NRP candidates, Parry
         People have been men-   declared, “They will be
         tioning  all  kinds  of  upping their campaign
         things. For me it doesn’t  just now, just look for it.”
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