Page 15 - Observer January 20, 2017
P. 15

LOCAL NEWS                            The St. Kitts-Nevis Observer. Friday January 20, 2017                                      Page 15

          Wanted at Alex Barber Shop          RSJEnterprisesisseekingone(1)maledriverand  A.PWoodworkingislookingfor2experi-  Alexander Huggins Barber
          One Barber Please contact          two(2)salesclerks.Pleaseaddresscorrespondence  encewoodworkers.PleasecontactKevin Shop Wanted 1 Barber, 4 years
                     765-7092                   toRSJEnterprises,P.O.Box638,Charlestown.  PersaudofCraddockRockat6683611  experience. Contact 760-7353

         Domestic Cleaner wanted at            Wanted one Hydroponic Farm        VacancyMixologistneeded.Mustbeflexible  SLACK ENTERPRISE Needed 3
             S. Hunkins & Sons Ltd.          Supervisor with minimum 3 years      andabletoworkduringcruiseshipdays.  Persons, 1 Baker, 1 Bartender, 1
           Please contact 469-5489             experience. Contact 662-4989       Experienceisneeded.Pleasecall762-1990.  Barber Contact 765-3600

                for Night Fishing            YOURBUSINESSCARDSINTHEOBSERVER            WANTED CARPENTER
                Contact 762-8049                  CLASSIFIEDSCALL469-5907               Contact 663-8525                   RENT CALL 469-5907

         ArismendiRiveraEnterpriseisseeking1General  CoolRunning&Moreisseeking1  M’sCBarberShopisseeking2Barbers         Carney Skette Domestic
         Constructionworkerwithaminimumof5years  PhoneRepairTechnicianwith2-5years  and1NailTechnicianwith4years              Cleaner Wanted
             experience.Pleasecontact668-8011  experience.Pleasecontact669-8937   experience.Pleasecontact469-5025           Contact 663-1751

               LIQUOR LICENCES                                                          LIQUOR LICENCES                      LIQUOR LICENCES
                ORDINANCE, 1906                                                          ORDINANCE, 1906                      ORDINANCE, 1906
                  SCHEDULE A                                                                SCHEDULE A                          SCHEDULE A

         To the Magistrate District ‘C’                                            To the Magistrate District ‘C’      To the Magistrate District ‘C’
         To the Superintendent of Police                                           To the Superintendent of Police     To the Superintendent of Police

         I, Donette Huggins                                                        I, Llewellyn Caines                 I, Mikey Nisbett
         Now residing in Rawlings Village of                                       Now residing in Caribbean Road in   Now residing in the town or village
         Gingerland do hereby give you                                             the town or village of Jessups do here-  of Jessups do hereby give you
         notice                                                                    by give you notice                  notice
         That it is my intention to apply on                                       That it is my intention to apply on  That it is my intention to apply on
         the 12th Day of January 2017 next                                         10th Day of January 2017 next to the  11th Day of January 2017 next to
         to the District Magistrate                                                District Magistrate                 the District Magistrate
         At Charlestown for a Liquor                                               At Charlestown for a Retail Liquor  At Charlestown for a Liquor
         Licence in respect of my Premises                                         Licence in respect of my Premises in  Licence in respect of my Premises
         in Rawlings Street in Gingerland .                                        Sunshine’s Healthy Food Snackette   in Jessups.
         Dated this 11th day of January                                            Street in Rams Food Court.          Dated this 11th day of January
         2017.                                                                     Dated this 10th day of January, 2017.  2017.
         Signed: Donnete Huggins                                                   Signed: Llewellyn Caines            Signed: Mikey Nisbett

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