Page 10 - Observer January 20, 2017
P. 10

Page 10                                      The St. Kitts-Nevis Observer. Friday January 20, 2017                         LOCAL NEWS
                  Charlestown Primary School Spearheads Nevis

                   Disaster Management Multi-Hazard Campaign

        By S. Williams           program that has each                             media pages as well as  an effort to get us to that  lows.
                                 primary school adopting                           the 12 month multi-haz-  place of readiness in the
        Drop. Cover. Hold. These  a hazard to be featured                          ard campaign were offi-  event that something does  January – Charlestown
        were the words ringing   monthly in print and                              cially launched by assis-  happen.  The campaign  Primary  School   -
        through    Charles-town  electronic  mediums.                              tant secretary Kevin   has the blessings of the  Earthquake
        Primary    School   on   Principal Education Of-                           Barrett on behalf of   Premier’s Ministry, the
        Thursday, Jan. 12 when   ficer Palsy Wilkin said                           Premier and Minister   Nevis Island Admin-istra-  February  –  Elizabeth
        the    Nevis   Disaster  the Department of Edu-                            responsible for disaster  tion and the wider com-  Pemberton  Primary
        Management Department    cation will work with                             management, the Hon    munity because prepared-  School - Tsunami
        (NDMD) commenced its     the  Nevis   Disaster                             Vance Amory.           ness is very important.”
        12-month   multi-hazard  M a n a g e - m e n t                                                                            March   –   St.  James
        campaign for 2017.       Department to promote                             “Nevis       Disaster  The complete list of    Primary    School    -
                                 its multi-hazard cam-                             M a n a g e - m e n t  schools and the hazards
        The campaign, which      paign.                                            Department is making   they will feature are as fol-  Continued on page 14
        focuses on using primary
        school students to convey  The NDMD efforts in
        the message of disaster  raising awareness for                            Prostrate Screening Numbers
        awareness, spotlights the  2017 also saw the
        Charlestown    Primary   launch of its new inter-  “The extension to this            Down From Last Year
        School for the month of  active website and social  campaign will include
        January featuring earth-  media pages this month.  faith-based organizations,
        quakes.                                          public and private sectors,  By S. Williams
                                 At the Wednesday Jan. 11
        NDMD in collaboration    ceremony, Director Bryan  response agencies, our  A total of 580 men turned
        with the University of   Dyer said the department  celebrities in our commu-  out for the free one-day
        Virginia visited the school  believes electronic media  nities and volunteers,”  annual prostrate screening
        last Thursday for an     is the most effective way  Director Dyer stated.  clinic at the Occasions
        announced    earthquake  of  disseminating  and  “It is generally hoped that  Conference Centre at the
        drill. How to apply first  receiving information to  the end result of this cam-  Pinney’s Industrial Site in
        aid was also demonstrated  current and new audi-  paign will achieve the  Nevis Saturday, Jan. 14
        to simulated injured stu-  ences. Mr. Dyer appealed  overall goal of building a  according to the Minister
        dents.                   to members of the press to  resilient nation through  of Health Mark Brantley.
                                 continue to support the  saturation of risk reduc-
        The    Department    of  Nevis Disaster Manage-                           Mr. Brantley described the  this and we feel that this is  years and we have more
        Education has collaborat-  ment Department’s public  tion initiatives.”   program, now in its 10th  exactly what we need in  younger people coming in
        ed with the NDMD in a    awareness campaign.     The website and social   year, as beneficial to the  the country as people take  for screening.  They’re
                                                                                  people of Nevis and     charge of their health. The  getting more health con-
                                                                                                          government can’t do it for
                                                                                                                                  scious and so they come
                                                                                  thanked the participating  them. Each and every one  out to get their prostate
                                                                                                          of us has a responsibility  exams.  The number of
                                                                                  “We have been trying in  to ourselves.”         late stage disease that we
                                                                                  health care here to say to  The  program,  which  used to pick up has gone
                                                                                  people that it is better for  began with just 20 men,  down considerably over
                                                                                  them to learn of their sta-  has  seen  significant  the last couple of years.
                                                                                  tus early as it affords us a  growth throughout the  The detection rate has
                                                                                  greater opportunity to cure  ensuing years.  Health  decreased also and I think
                                                                                  people of whatever they  experts say if detected  this has to do in part with
                                                                                  may be ill with,” he said.  early, the survival rate for  the amount of screening
                                                                                  When people don’t get   prostate cancer is over 90  that we do on a yearly
                                                                                  checkups and they don’t  per cent. However if it  basis.  So we’re seeing
                                                                                  go and take advantage of  spreads and is not detected  less numbers of prostate
                                                                                  screening opportunities,  early, the survival rate can  cancers being picked up
                                                                                  by the time they find out  drop to 0.           from when we first started
                                                                                  it’s too late.                                  out,’ he said.
                                                                                                          Dr. Dwayne Thwaites,    ‘We had a prevalence of
                                                                                  “The rate of prostate can-  who along with fellow
                                                                                  cer has lowered in Nevis  visiting urologists carried  about 3.1 per cent. Now
                                                                                  since we’ve been doing                          that has gone down con-
                                                                                                          out the screening, noted  siderably below 2 per cent
                                                                                                          that it has been a remark-  right now and that’s with
                                                                                                          able 10 years.          all the screening that
                                                                                                                                  we’ve done over the last
                                                                                                          “The   numbers    have  10 years.”
                                                                                                          increased considerably.
                                                                                                          We are up to 560 which  In 2016, 622 persons took
                                                                                                          has decreased from last  part in the screening. The
                                                                                                          year but people braved the  program has since extend-
                                                                                                          weather and the rough   ed to St. Kitts for annual
                                                                                                          seas.  Usually we get a  screening in the middle of
                                                                                                          few people from St. Kitts  the year.
                                                                                                          but because of the bad
                                                                                                          weather we haven’t seen  Registration commenced
                                                                                                          many of those turn out.  at 6 a.m. though some per-
                                                                                                          The number is still good  sons were there waiting
                                                                                                          and people are still com-  since the wee hours of the
                                                                                                          ing in at this point in time.  morning for the examina-
                                                                                                                                  tion which began around 8
                                                                                                          ‘I think that what we’re  a.m. All participants had a
                                                                                                          seeing more and more is  blood test (PSA) done fol-
                                                                                                          late stage disease. Prostate  lowed by a Digital Rectal
                                                                                                          cancer has decreased con-  Examination.
                                                                                                          siderably over the last 10
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