Page 14 - Observer January 20, 2017
P. 14

Page 14                                      The St. Kitts-Nevis Observer. Friday January 20, 2017                         LOCAL NEWS
                      Monkey problem to be reduced on island                                                                      agriculture crop.
        From page 13                                                                                      farms than in the past.  the monkeys have on the
                                                                                                          “They can’t guard their
        more monkeys will appear.  far more monkeys than you  “There wasn’t a problem  He noted that farmers in the  farms against monkeys,  He said that later this year
                                 started with,” he said.  with monkeys when you  Federation  have   lost  which is quite tragic,” he  theywillbelookingatsteril-
        “If you shoot a monkey                           had the sugar cane industry,  between EC $2-$4 million  said.            ization of the monkeys in
        another one will take its  Gibbs Hall revealed that the  becausethesugarcaneacted  because of monkey agricul-             conjunction with the Ross
        place and general when an  monkey was a first brought  as a buffer going up the  ture crop raiding.  Part of the initiative, he said,  University.Inadditiontothe
        animalspecieslikethemon-  to the island by The French  sloops of the volcano and                  is to set up feeding stations  feeding station is the intro-
        key, if you shoot a lot or you  as pets. The monkeys then  that buffer is to keep the  Gibbs-Hall said during his  on the upper sloops of the  duction of Reforestation in
        kill a lot , what actually hap-  escaped, and are now living  monkeysatbay.Theydidn’t  time on the island he inter-  volcano.  Feeding station  the mountains provide a
        pens is that it increases its  without natural predators  really come down to the  viewed many farmers and  tables with peelings and  feeding ground for the mon-
        birthrate and reproductive  like eagles or leopards and  lower end.” he said.  discovered farmers spend  fruitsinthemountaincanbe  keysthatwillbuildupbuffer
        rate. You may end up with  were able to over populate.                   much less time on their  created to lessen the impact  zones.
                                       In Support of Capital Punishment By Michael S. Blake
         From page 4

        The voice of the people is  only supports but desires  application stubbornly and  cannot afford to continue  zens and residents, includ-  The Bible commands that
        (still) the voice of God, and  the imposition of the death  steadfastly refuse to bend  to go easy on those bent on  ing, so very unfairly, those  whosoever sheddeth man’s
        despite its being evident  penalty on those found  or bow to this voice.  killing their fellowmen,  members and relatives of  blood, by man must his
        that the significant majori-  guilty of murder, those in                 residents and visitors alike.  the family of the victim(s)  blood be shed.
        ty of the population not  position to facilitate its  I submit that our society                   him/herself (themselves).
                                                                                 I propose that we hang the                       Capital punishment, then,
         From page 11       WAHS Dominates                                       culprits as a matter of  The never-ending discus-  as James contends, is ret-
                                                                                                          sion as to whether capital
                                                                                                                                  ributive justice, pure and
                  Inaugural Relay Competition                                    Let those who claim to be  punishment deters murders  total.
                                                                                                          is, to me, pellucidly imma-
        to win the race in a stunning upset.  In the boys U14 CEMSS didn’t field a team  champions of ‘human  terial to this debate. I do  I because the penalty that
                                                                                 rights’ damn to their
                                             but WAHS failed to even place in the top                     not for one moment pro-
        IntheU-16categorytheWAHScoppedvic-   three meaning CEMSS had an opportunity  hearts’ content. For there  mote the imposition of the  murderers exact and suffer
        toriesinboththemaleandfemalecategories.  if they won three of the Final Four races.  is ample evidence that an  death penalty on murderers  for their irreversible crimes
                                             WAHS however completed the victory in  emphasis  on  ‘human  premised on a notion that it  is neither swift, severe, nor
        In the U18f WAHS was running away with  the U-16 females when they ran away with  rights’ has contributed  serves as deterrent.  sure, the rate of homicides
        the race as well as the completion as the led  that race.                directly to an abundance of                      continues apace.
        for most of the race but a bad hand overs                                human wrongs.            Indeed, capital punishment
        gave CEMSS the opportunity to sneak pass  However following that race the rains                   may or may not deter, but  I suggest we return to the
        them to capture this race as well as winning  returned and brought an end to proceedings  A ‘life sentence’ for those  clearly, irrefutably, one  gallows as means of
        the male U-18 category.              with three races remaining.         found guilty, - where such  thing is certain: hanging  declaring boldly that we
                                                                                 is   (rarely!)  imposed,  the          murderer  are deadly serious about
        Following the 4x200m WAHS opened a   The nine gold medals by WAHS was how-  almost always translates  A B S O L U T E L Y  stemming the tide of mur-
        slendertwogoldmedalleadwithsevenover  ever enough to capture the title of the first  into the culprit being  DETERS  HIM/HER  ders that already threatens
        the CEMSS who at the time had collected  Relay Champions over the five of the  housed, fed, entertained  FORM  KILLING    to wreak irreparable dam-
        five heading into the final series that was the  CEMSS.                  and protected by the State,  AGAIN!              age to our economic and
        4x100m.                                                                  using, of course funds,                          cultural infrastructure, and
                                             However up until print time the official  monies, personnel and  Otto Von Bismarck con-  to violently upset our
        Inthefirst4x100mtheU14femaleeventthe  medal standings was not available to mem-  other resources extracted  tends that murderers must  social equilibrium.
        medal leaders ran away with a comfortable  bers of the media.            from and provided by     stew in their own grease.
        victory almost assuring victory.                                         peaceful, law-abiding citi-                      Hang them high!!
                                                   Charlestown Primary School Spearheads
         from page 10
                                         Nevis Disaster Management Multi-Hazard Campaign

         Landslide               June  –   Ivor  Watlers  August  –  Montessori  November – Cecil Brown   The multi-hazard cam-   other forms of presenta-
                                 Primary    School    -  Academy - Erosion       Integrated  School   –   paign   will  end   in  tions.  People from the
         April – Jocelyn Liburd  Hurricane                                       Thunder Storm            December after showcas-  NDMD involved in the
         Primary School - Volcano                        September – St. Thomas                           ing the different possible  campaign  are  Jack
                                 July – Maude Crosse     Primary School – Floods  December - Violet O     hazards that can affect the  Ngumbah,    Kiana
         May – Nevis Academy –   Preparatory  School  –                          Jeffers-Nicholls Primary  island and how to prepare  Williams, Rohan Isles and
         Drought                 Extreme heat            October - Dedicated to  School – Fire            for them. It features pro-  Shanon Morton.
                                                         showcasing all the hazards                       motional videos, flyers and

                        Government Ministers can be sued for Competing Business says Wilkin
         from page 8
        planned for the expansion of our cruise  construction activities that will be associ-  “Cabinet reaffirmed its commitment to the  occurred in the former Administration.
        industry in particular, and we talked about  ated.”                      highest level of ethical conduct and
        the second pier that the administration                                  behaviour by members of the Cabinet and  “In that regard, Cabinet considered the
        before had fully put in place, just waiting  On Monday Jan. 16, the Ministry of  noted that not one scintilla of evidence has  matter of the lease/rental of the Five Ways
        for construction to begin,” Dr. Douglas  Information released a post Cabinet brief-  been provided to indicate that any mem-  property by the former Prime Minister Dr.
         said.                               ing from Jan. 9 that spoke to the Cabinet’s  ber of the Cabinet had breached any ethi-  Douglas to the Taiwanese Embassy with-
                                             position, indicating that Cabinet received  cal standard,” the briefing stated.  out open bidding or tender. Cabinet called
         “It must not be held back until members  legal advice on the matter and was disap-                           too, its objection to the lease/rental of the
        of government create their own compa-  pointed that some were making an issue  The release indicated that the Cabinet was  house of Senator Nigel Carty to the for-
         nies and thus compete or benefit from the  where there was none.        assured that the company is not licensed to  mer Commissioner of Police, C.G.
                                                                                 conduct business and has not engaged in  Walwyn, and the introduction of a signif-
                                                                                 any business, and in particular business,  icant allowance to C.G. Walwyn to allow
          NEPAC Roof Repaired by Surrey Paving                                   which benefits from any contracts with  him to meet the rental cost to which
                                                                                 the government.                      Senator Carty was the ultimate beneficia-
        from page 7                                                                                                   ry,” the briefing said.
                                 should be completed by  pet preview of the movie,  “The Cabinet is satisfied that Minister
        questioned on the repairs  the end of this month.  “The Time Detective, who  Liburd has done nothing illegal. Further  The Cabinet however assured that it takes
        of the roof and the leaks,                       is Philippa?” which was  and most importantly, Minister Liburd has  seriously the ethics and ethos of good
        he said the repaired roof  The repairs on the building  filmed in Nevis had to be  no intention to activate the business in  governance.
        will “be there after me and  had caused a number of  relocated from NEPAC to  question,” the briefing said.
        your time”.              scheduled activities to be  the  Nevis  Tourism                                      The Obsever also reached out to Liburd’s
                                 postponed and moved to  Conference room at the  The statement further hit back at the for-  Opponent in the last election and former
        He said all the damages  different locations.    Social Security Building  mer Prime Minister of St. Kitts and Nevis  Deputy Prime Minister Dr. Earl Asim
        have been repaired and the                       because the center was not  stating they are aiming to avoid the clear  Martin for a comment but calls went
        cleaning of the AC docks  Most recently the red car-  ready.             conflict of interest similar to what  unanswered.

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