Page 13 - Observer January 20, 2017
P. 13

LOCAL NEWS                            The St. Kitts-Nevis Observer. Friday January 20, 2017                                      Page 13

                   The Sun Shines on Llewellyn ‘Sunshine’ Caines

                                    at 2017 Heart and Hands for Nevis

        By S. Williams                                                                                    “When we put our hands  continued success in 2017
                                                                                                          to work, the fruits of our  and beyond. May Hearts
        Llewellyn    ‘Sunshine’                                                                           industry and determina-  and Hands for Nevis, Inc.
        Caines, manager-owner of                                                                          tion feed not only our-  have many more annual
        the       internationally                                                                         selves but also our com-  luncheons and anniver-
        acclaimed    Sunshine’s                                                                           munities, and give succour  saries like this one, where
        Beach Bar and Grill, was                                                                          to those who need support.  commitment and excel-
        one of three Nevisians                                                                            This year’s awardees con-  lence are showcased and
        recognised at the 2017                                                                            tribute to the development  celebrated for the good of
        Hearts and Hands for                                                                              of the local tourism and  our country and humanity.
        Nevis Inc’s annual lun-                                                                           entertainment industries,  God bless all of you!”
        cheon.                   L-R Premier Vance Amory, Petula Skeet Awardee, Llewellyn ‘Sunshine’ Caines  the international beauty
                                  Awardee, Dr. Janice Sutton Awardee, Hon Dr. Timothy Harris Prime Minister  and television industries,  Hearts and Hands for
        The luncheon was held                                                                             women’s self-esteem and  Nevis, Inc. is a non-profit
        Sunday, Jan. 15 at the                                                                            empowerment, as well as  organization founded in
        LaGuardia Airport Mar-   only $40 in St. Kitts at  advocate  for  science  positive action built suc-  the world’s pool of scien-  1999. It is dedicated to
        riott in Queens New York,  Frigate Bay and relocated  research.          cessively onto another   tific researchers.      positively affecting the
        celebrated   its   18th  to Nevis. When a hurri-                         over the course of a life-                       lives of Nevisians and
        anniversary this month.  cane damaged the Four   Last year, Prime Minister  time can help to build a  “As we stand on the cusp  friends through service
        Mr. Caines, alongside Ms.  Seasons Resort. There he  Hon. Dr. Timothy Harris  country and influence the  of a new year, I wish you  with integrity and excel-
        Petula Skeete and Dr.    started catering to the con-  delivered the Keynote  world,” he said.    and your organization   lence.
        Janice Sutton were hon-  struction workers and his  Address at the non-profit
        ored for their ach-ieve-  business grew despite  organization’s luncheon.
        ments and contributions to  damages from tropical  This year, Hearts and
        Nevis and the Diaspora.  storms and hurricanes.  Hands for Nevis, Inc.
                                                         extended an invitation for
        Mr. Caines, better known  “We’ve been blown away  Dr. Harris to attend its
        as Sunshine, said he was  many times by hurricanes  18th anniversary and sub-
        moved by the recognition.  and strong seas,” Sunshine  mit a message for the
                                 said. “We’ve been pushed  Souvenir  Journal  that
        “I am very humbled that  off and washed away but  would be published for the
        somebody     recognized  the people want me to be  occasion. The following
        what I’m doing. I’m not  here so I’m here.”      is an excerpt from his
        doing it for the love of                         message.
        money.    I’m doing it   The   other   awardees
        because it’s the right thing  included Petula Skeete,  “Indeed, when our hearts
        to do. It’s an important  four-time Emmy Award-  and hands are engaged in
        thing to give and it comes  winning hairstylist who  meaningful service, there
        back in abundance,” he   works for ABC News’     is no limit to what we can
        said.                    Good Morning America,   accomplish,” he said.
                                 last year launched the
        “We do stuff for the elder-  #beautyFULL   You   “I recognize, commend
        ly, the less fortunate kids  Women’s  Conference  and salute Hearts and
        and just the island in gen-  series in her birthplace of  Hands for Nevis, Inc. for
        eral. Anytime there is a  Nevis. Dr. Janice Sutton,  its sustained efforts in cre-
        call for service I’m there,”  Principal  of  George  ating more awareness –
        he said.                 Washington Carver High  through   its   Annual
                                 School for the Sciences in  Honours Program – for
        Sunshine said he has had  Queens New York, is    the citizens and residents
        the restaurant for over 25  known as motivator extra-  of our great Federation to
        years. He started out with  ordinaire and a strong  understand how just one

        Monkey problem to be

        reduced on island

        By Monique Washington                without eradicating it.
        Farmers on the island may soon benefit  “Theideaisnottoeradicateallthemonkeys,
        from research and initiatives being estab-  itistobringabalanceofwhatwhatnumbers
        lished on Nevis and soon in St. Kitts to  are going to be acceptable. The tourism
        reduce the number of monkeys in the  industryreliesheavilyonmonkeys,because
        Federtion.                           people who come to the island want to see
                                             the monkeys and tourism is great revenue
        Vernon Gibbs-Hall, Field Biologist in  for the islands,” he said.
        Ethnoprimatology, arrived to start a project
        to address the growing issues surrounding  He added that wild life activists are against
        the monkeys. His research on monkeys on  the killing philosophy.
        the island in ran from November to
        December 2015 and he returned in     “St Kitts and Nevis come under a lot of
        September of last year. A donation of  pressure from the animals rights activates
        EC$100,000fromtheChinesegovernment,  group because of the way the monkeys are
        a non for profit company called Arnova  handled. We can’t be seen doing this.
        Sustainable Future, has partnered with the  Monkeys are sensitive, they can see, they
        Department ofAgriculture on Nevis to find  can feel they can feel pain as much as a
        waystoaddressthehuman-monkeyconflict  human do. They share 91 per cent of our
        here.                                DNA,” he said.

        Speaking with the Observer on Thursday,  Hewarnedthatbytryingtokillthemonkeys
        Mr. Gibbs-Hall said there are other ethical
        ways of reducing the monkey population             Continued on page 14

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