Page 6 - Observer January 20, 2017
P. 6

Page 6                                       The St. Kitts-Nevis Observer. Friday January 20, 2017                         LOCAL NEWS

         Bank of Nevis Awards Islands Top CSEC and Cape Students

        By S. Williams
        The Bank of Nevis pre-
        sented Academic Excel-
        lence Awards to the best
        Caribbean Advanced Pro-
        ficiency  Examinations
        (CAPE) and the Carib-
        bean   Secondary  Edu-
        cation Certificate (CSEC)
        students from the 2016
        examinations Friday, Jan.
        The 2 p.m. ceremony was
        held at the bank’s head-  L-R Everett Martin-General Manager, Representatives of the Nevis Literary and
        quarters in Charlestown              Debating Society and Pheon Jones-Marketing Officer
        and was attended by the
                                                                                 awardees, media and rep-
                                                                                 resentatives  from  the         L-R Rol-J Williams-Best CSEC and
                                                                                 Bank of Nevis. Presenta-            Orian Stapleton-Best CAPE
                                                                                 tions were made by L.
                                                                                 Everette Martin, bank
                                                                                 general manager, who     subjects. Currently a sixth  Leeward Island Debating
                                                                                 congratulated the recipi-  form student, he said he  Competition.  President
                                                                                 ents.                    was elated to be receiving  Zhariah  Archibald,
                                                                                                          the award. While the hype  accepted the donation and
                                                                                 “I want to first of all say  of getting 17 subjects has  encouraged everyone to
                                                                                 that we are very pleased  died down he feels it is  come out and support
                                                                                 that we can award this   quite fitting and makes  Team Nevis.
                                                                                 year for 2016 the best   him realize that people are
                                                                                 CAPE and best CSEC stu-  still looking out for him  Last year, the Nevis debat-
                                                                                 dent which is part of our  and hoping for his contin-  ing team travelled to St.
                                                                                 Academic     Excellence  ued progress.           Maarten where the com-
                                                                                 Awards. And we’re very                           petition was held for the
                                                                                 pleased that this year we  Orian Stapleton, the top  first time. Team Antigua
                                                                                 are able to make the pre-  island performer for the  emerged the winner with
                                                                                 sentations  to    Rol-J  2016 CAPE examina-      Team St. Maarten being
                                                                                 Williams who is the best  tions, obtained passes in  named sub-champions of
                                                                                 CSEC performer for 2016  10 units with 6 grade   the  competition  after
                                                                                 and   also   to  Orian   one’s, 3 grade two’s and 1  defeating  the  former
                                                                                 Stapleton,” he said.     grade three.  Stapleton,  champions from Anguilla
                                                                                                          currently employed as a  to qualify for the final
                                                                                 “We have been associated  teacher at the Charlestown  round.
                                                                                 with Mr. Williams for a  Secondary School, is the
                                                                                 number of years. He was  runner-up state scholar  This marks another year
                                                                                 the winner of the Bank of  and  valedictorian  for  that the Bank of Nevis has
                                                                                 Nevis   Tourism  Youth   Nevis.  He thanked the  been giving out awards to
                                                                                 Congress some years ago.  Bank of Nevis for its  the top CSEC and CAPE
                                                                                 We are very pleased that  donation and promised to  performers on the island
                                                                                 you have continued to    use it wisely.          of Nevis.  The Bank’s
                                                                                 excel and we want to con-                        ongoing commitment to
                                                                                 gratulate you and Mr.    Also in attendance at the  the education of young
                                                                                 Stapleton as well for the  ceremony were represen-  people in Nevis can be
                                                                                 excellent work that both of  tatives from the Nevis  seen with the Academic
                                                                                 you have done.”          Literary and Debating   Excellence Awards which
                                                                                                          Society which received a  also includes the Dr.
                                                                                 Williams received the    donation from the Bank of  Simeon Daniel Scholar-
                                                                                 award for the top 2016   Nevis. The donation will  ships Program that was
                                                                                 CSEC performer on Nevis  be used to assist with  launched in celebration of
                                                                                 and in the Federation with  preparations for the Feb.  the Bank’s 25th Anniver-
                                                                                 17 Grade One passes in 17  22-27 hosting of the 45th  sary in 2010.

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