Page 7 - Observer January 20, 2017
P. 7

LOCAL NEWS                                The St. Kitts-Nevis Observer. Friday January 20, 2017                                   Page 7
           Former COP Williams calls

         for Independent Traffic Unit

               following Minor Deaths

         By Loshaun Dixon        every day and wouldn’t  manpower used in the
                                 cause so many accidents  traffic department could
         Basseterre, St. Kitts-  and losing lives on the  be better used elsewhere.
         Former Commissioner of  road   as   well,”  he
         Police Austin Williams  declared.               “If you were around long
         believes St. Kitts and                          enough you would know
         Nevis should create an  He explained how the    that in Basseterre you
         independent traffic patrol  unit could successfully  would always see a
         unit that would serve as a  patrol the streets.  policeman on the road.
         watch dog for traffic                              Now you hardly see
         violations  in  the                                that and if you check
         Federation separate                                in the villages you
         from   the  Police                                 would   hardly   see
         Force.                                             police on the road.
                                                            The man power needs
         The     suggestion                                 to be increased and
         comes following a                                  not even increased to
         dark week when two                                 more than what it is
         children were killed                               but to what it is on the
         in traffic accidents.                              books,” he said.
         The drivers in both
         instances     were                                 He noted that the
         charged with causing                               police force is it is
         death by reckless dri-                             about 100 individuals
         ving.                                              under strength and an
                               Retired CoP Austin Williams  audit should be done
         In a social media            (File Photo)          to  identify  where
         post on Sunday, Mr.                                improvements     are
         Williams said in St.                               needed.
         Kitts there are now 107  “The unit could be set up
         miles of roads to police  with 10 or 12 vehicles  He said the traffic patrol
         and the open road affords  with 24 personnel and  could assist in security
         motorists opportunities  there are four shifts  for motorists while they
         “to break all and every  doing 24-hour patrol.  are on the road.
         law  and   emboldened   They can train some peo-
         criminals to go around  ple and have a continu-  “If you have the traffic
         and commit crimes with-  ous patrol daily. Divide  patrol unit it will help
         out fear of being inter-  the island into four zones  solve all that because
         cepted.”                and have a vehicle in   people would be mindful
                                 each zone for 24 hours,”  of them on the road and
         In an interview with The  he said.              they wouldn’t be doing
         Observer, the Former                            the things that they feel
         Commissioner of Police  Williams noted a signifi-  free to do now,” he said.
         expanded on his idea to  cant increase in the vehi-
         establish the independent  cles that are currently on  Williams praised current
         patrol.                 the streets and said peo-  Commissioner of Police
                                 ple cannot be stopped   Ian Queeley for “doing a
         He said it was a a propos-  from buying vehicles.  great job.”
         al that he has been
         putting forward for a   “Vehicles continue to   “You have to work with
         long time but I found it  come in. Just recently it  what you have.  This
         necessary to highlight it  was two and a half per-  very instance of the traf-
         again  following   the  sons per vehicle but now  fic and criminals getting
         recent road fatalities.  is more than that. You  to go around undetected
                                 have to put things in   is  no   fault  of  the
         “We have so many acci-  place to control that,” he  Commissioner,” he said.
         dents and we have so    said.
         many vehicles on the                            Lack of proper resources
         road  and  the  traffic  When   he  served  as  and manpower are two of
         department as it is has to  Commissioner of Police  the major issues affecting
         administer all 30,000   he said he made efforts to  the  current  Commis-
         vehicles in the country,”  establish the unit but  sioner of Police, he said.
         he said.                could not garner the
                                 required support to suc-  Last week at his inaugur-
         The retired police officer  cessfully implement it.  al  Commissioner’s
         said he belives the unit                        Lecture, Commissioner
         would help curb traffic  “I tried. I can show you  Queeley spoke of the
         violations as it is very  writing and even in my  Police  Department’s
         difficult for the traffic  exit speech I indicated  plans to crack done on
         department to patrol the  that was one of the things  traffic offenses in 2017.
         roads.                  I was sorry I didn’t get to
                                 put in place. It was not  “We’ve had a lot of
         “We can’t depend on the  my fault, I just did not  issues. We believe a lot
         outstations because they  get the cooperation,” he  of times when little
         are short staffed in most  said.                things go unchecked, that
         cases. I believe the traf-                      they develop into larger
         fic patrol unit will be  Williams said such a unit  things. And so, a focus
         able to enforce the minor  could assist in helping to  will also be on road safe-
         laws that are broken    bring crime down as the  ty,” Mr. Queeley said.

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