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The Brand New Magazine & Radio Platform

         For South Africans Around The Globe

             Coming Next Month...

             More beer-bug disruption tales? Who knows…? I mean, we may all have been nuked by then. OK,
             so… as I trust we won’t – do send us content – feel free to join our regular contributors.

             Mentioning the regulars – Joe will keep feeding the monster, we’ll have news from Khaya in
             Finland and Hester in KZN. The de Wet’s will amaze with more stunning content from one of SA’s
             favourite wild destination.

             I’m sure you can’t wait to see what Maureen will have for us from Esperance, Down Under.

             Jane and Fenderbomb in the UK will keep the music alive – and hopefully more veteran’s news
             from there too.

             Expect sport news, with a difference? Inge’s unique look at cricket and hockey, from an umpire’s
             perspective. Will we hear from Dan the Cricket Man in Cape Town?

             Kom geniet Nellie se ontvlugting – sy en broer Gawie maak toekoms planne.

             The Chopper Corner and Veterans Tales pages keep growing, so… unique content and other sto-
             ries from unexpected sources around the world more than welcome!

             Last – but not least, thanks again to all the contributors. But thanks too – all of you who have
             supported the magazine. Do share and also send on the odd comments. We will get more active
             on the website – and share your messages there. Thank you… stay safe – be happy!

             The SWW Team!
             Out 20th May 2020

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