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Feeding the Monster

        (from Ireland’s Waterways)

                                            The following year we hired a cruiser on   The initial plan to save them from the
                                            England’s Norfolk Broads and although a   scrapper was successful with a bid
                                            busy water system it served to encourage   approximately 75% of scrap value. This
                                            us to continue with the hobby and   beautiful craft is in fact ten years younger
                                            acquire a boat of our own. The chosen   than 4.E having been built in 1905 and
                                            route was to build a small trailable   luckily enough the hull was found to be
                                            cabin cruiser in plywood and this was   in reasonable condition once she was
                                            accomplished over a winter which    re-floated and docked. A spell in college
                                            allowed a return to some sea fishing and   has somewhat curtailed work on 92.E but
                                            the family holidays on the inland canals   she was re-engined and has been used
                                            and river system. The addition of another   extensively. Her history and plans for the
                                            child to the family led to the move up to   future are a story for another day.
                                            a slightly bigger fibreglass cruiser with a
                                            smaller outboard this time and by now   The almost half a century of inland
                                            a large proportion of Ireland’s inland   boating has involved me joining and
                                            waterway’s system had been visited.   getting involved with voluntary groups
                                            The fuel crisis of the late 1970’s had us   with the preservation of canals as their
                                            looking to move to something with an   main aim and also the training and
                                            inboard diesel engine and of course   guiding of newcomers to our amazing
              he title I have chosen comes from   some more space. The plan was to fit out   inland system. In 2001 an association
              a saying I used almost ten years   a fiberglass shell myself of about 30ft.   was formed to represent the owners of
        Tago while recording the progress   (10m.) length but for some reason I was   heritage boats and in its short life has
        of an old canal boat along the Royal   diverted towards 60ft. (20m.) old canal   become a formidable force in dealing
        Canal. My then fourteen-year-old son   barges.                          with government agencies. Books have
        was employed to skipper the camera                                      been published which have documented
        boat for a five-week journey which was   Having been unsuccessful in the bidding   the history of these boats and boatmen
        to be turned into a six-episode television   for one that needed some work to   and a lot of the information is available
        series. I began a blog on a boating forum   complete, I was really hooked on this   on-line.
        and spent considerable time in the   type of craft and scoured the country for
        countryside seeking internet access in   something to call our own. The result was   At this point in time 4.E and 92.E are tied
        order to “feed the monster”.        the purchase of “4.E” as and where she   up for the winter in Mullingar Harbour
                                            lay and the beginning of a journey with a   which is the summit level of the Royal
         My love affair with Ireland’s inland   piece of history which has given such joy   Canal. The journey from the River
        waterways began almost fifty years ago   to all associated with her. The link below   Shannon to here was made in October
        and it followed a decade of inshore   is to a web page giving the history of the
        fishing from the family’s converted ship’s   boat (more or less) and of course she is
        lifeboat. Sea fishing was a seasonal affair   still travelling our waterways forty years
        and certainly not a pastime for young   from our original acquisition.
        families, so I went to my local library and
        read through the section on canals etc.  I   http://heritageboatassociation.
        was thoroughly smitten with the stories   ie/cms/index.php?option=com_
        of travellers across mysterious canals   content&task=view&id=125&Itemid=64
        through villages very much off the beaten
        track. Armed with my copy of Rolt’s   The love of canals and boating has passed
        “Green and Silver” and our five-month-  to my four children with the ownership
        old daughter, we set out on a hired day-  of their own boats as adults, but another
        boat for a week of magic on the Grand   major step was taken when my youngest
        Canal and River Shannon. This was in   son Ben was given an identical old canal
        August 1972 and was the beginning of   boat for his eighteenth birthday! Child
        a love affair with waterways which has   abuse was one description of this new
        strengthened with experience.       venture. The canal authorities had put
                                            some surplus hulls of canal barges in
                                            their possession up for public tender.

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