Page 11 - SAFFER Magazine 01
P. 11

Have Faith

                       Inspiration for your daily life

        When you have an ailment the best place for you to be is in
        your local doctor surgery where he can advise the best remedies
        and treatments to you back on your feet.  Our physical health
        is something we all need to take care to the best of our ability.
        Even down to eating well, taking regular exercise and reducing   to find these very people would scorn if you were guilty of sins
        our stress levels.  But when it goes a little wrong, off to the   which they didn’t approve of.
        doctors and get help. yes?
                                                              To me, these people were all sick but were ignoring the
        Our Spiritual health is just as important but in many ways   symptoms.  In my mind, we go to church not only to Worship
        we overlook the importance because it doesn’t effect the daily   our Lord but to be healed of our spiritual ailments.  Without
        running of our lives.  Or does it?                    exception, that is all of us.  None of us are perfect or without
                                                              sin.  Jesus didn’t give his life for all of the good people of the
        One particular passage from the Bible sticks in my mind and   world, he actually gave his life for those sin the most so they
        is just so true.  At Matthew 9:12 Jesus said “It is not the healthy   could be healed.
        who need a doctor, but the sick.”  This one passage really brings
        to me the true weakness of humanity.  For some time, I avoided   If we go to our GP and hold back on our symptoms, how can we
        going to church because I saw too many people that went to   expect them to give us the right treatment?  So next time you
        church purely because it was the right thing to do and by them   are in Church, let the Lord know all of your spiritual illnesses so
        going to church meant they were all spiritually healthy.  I used   he can treat you properly.

        Pause A Moment –           LinkedIn group. I pursued just  That day, each time I went   I’m asking you, in the spirit
        Please                     about every LinkedIn contact   near LI, I thought of the   of this new platform, please
                                                                                        pause a moment – and spare a
                                                              situation. Yes, the person was
                                   listed on my account – South
                                   Africans got special treatment   in our thoughts and I even   thought for our friend who is
        Little more than a month ago,   – extra harassment.   said the occasional one-liner   fighting this fight.
        SAFFER Worldwide was still                            prayer. But I felt powerless – I
        a figment of my imagination,   Then, a few days later I did a   kept wondering about life   If doesn’t matter if you don’t
        ideas passed back and forth   round of bombarding again –   and why some folk get more   believe in prayer – just pause
        between a few people in the   submissions please! In came a   roadblocks pushed in their   a moment to think how a one-
        last months of 2019. What   number of messages – one in   paths than others.    liner of support can encourage
        happened next was rather   particular stopped me in my                          our friend. For those who feel
        remarkable. Paul found time   tracks. The message read quite   Then, later in the day a   the need for saying a prayer –
        - time to help me create this   simply “undergoing treatment   thought dawned. One of the   please keep our friend in your
        platform - from scratch. Paul   – beating this horrid disease   core reasons for the creation   thoughts and prayers. We’ll
        worked between a number of   that had thrown a temporary   of this platform was to reach   ensure this article is placed
        fires… no, not irons in one   roadblock across my path.” No  out to others… fellow South   on the website – and open
        fire, rather irons in a number   scolding, no leave me alone,   Africans and friends. To   comments. We’ll send the link
        of fires.                  no delete me as a contact. A   share a bond, to share the   to our friend who can in turn
                                   totally dignified reply.   load, however small our   see the support. Thank you!
        About the only thing I was                            portion, we can share. So,
        doing was trying to find   I offered thoughts and
        content for the first issue of   prayers – because that is
        the magazine. In the process, I   all I could do. We rose very
        established a LinkedIn group   early the next day to go off
        also going by the name Saffer   on “darling duty” – minding
        Worldwide. (In fact, in this   the grand-kids. However, as
        day and age where URL’s and   my good lady returned from
        social media names and tags   the shower, I briefly told her
        are mostly taken… we’ve    about the previous evening’s
        found Saffer Worldwide and   conversation. Why? Because I
        its derivatives free for all our   knew she would also keep this
        social media accounts.) OK…   stranger in her thoughts and
        so, there was me building a   prayers.

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