Page 10 - Guitar Book
P. 10

More Chords...

          Now we know what a chord box is, how to read one and what to do with our
          fingers here are some more chords for you to practice.

          Major Chords
          The following chords are all Major Chords. This means that they have a bright,
          positive sound.

             The Chord                The Chord             The Chord
                 of C                     of F                  of G

          Minor Chords
          The following chords are all minor Chords. This means that they have a down
          and negative sound. They’re still very important though.

             The Chord                The Chord             The Chord
                of Am                    of Em                 of Dm

          Quick Pause (Again)
          Try listening to the difference between a Major and a Minor chord.  Try to
          think where you may have heard these in songs that you know.

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