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Bish-Bosh-Bash and the

        Ramifications of the

        White Ball on True Cricket…

        Earlier this year, I wrote an article about                             strongly from bowler friendly conditions!
        the after-effects and lessons learned   White ball cricket – the short formats of   Same conditions for both teams? I won-
        about the 2019 WC. Now, without any   the game – has led to big money getting   der?
        cricket to distract and the need to find   in on the act. There lies the underlying   •   The scheduling of play – some
        something related to cricket, I dug the   problem. Just like the malaise witnessed   teams played a heap of games in quick
        piece from the archive and gave it a read   in football – when club is placed ahead of   succession and others eased slowly into
        over. What you have here is the result of   country – money, not passion – becomes   the WC – there was even a rumour that
        an edit… and the addition of a few more   the driver. Yes, I kid you not, these are   India had requested a later start – so,
        thoughts. So… without further ado…   the thoughts that swirl in my mind in   their players could recuperate from their
        here we go.                         the middle of dark nights. But I promise   IPL exploits – club influencing country?
                                            you, it’s not the state of the game that   •   The very structure of the tour-
        ***                                 keeps me awake, it’s the damaged neck   nament – ten teams only – some rather
        I often lie awake at night… blame it   vertebrae that cause insomnia… resulting   inexperienced and weak teams just didn’t
        on the bad neck. So, on one such night   in many ponderings about many things,   make the grade. Of the 45 round-robin
        earlier this year, I reminded myself of a   including cricket. OK, before I prattle on   games:
        comment I’d placed somewhere on social   much longer, let’s jot down a few bullet   o    At least 20 completed games
        media about the under-performance of   points about last year’s world cup event:  were one-sided affairs – boring, of
        the South African team at the last cricket                              little value for the image of cricket. This
        world cup, held in England and Wales   •   Playing a cricket tournament in   amounts to about 50% of games, if rain
        during the summer of 2019. Note, I use   the UK, beginning in late May and lasting  affected games are considered. Good?
        the term summer loosely.            for many weeks… until the final on 14   o   By my limited judgement, only
                                            July 2019. The location and timeframe   about four games were above average,
        I also commented about the state of play   had two distinct influences on results:  last over affairs and maybe seven games
        at the tournament in general. So, maybe I   o   Rain – a few teams benefitted by   could have been described as banana skin
        should give you my thoughts on that first   rain affected games – getting one point   upsets.
        – because it did have a direct influence on  on the table where they most likely would   o   One game per day for most of
        one or two of the South African games.   have lost, as they were not the favourite   the tournament – people just lose interest
        OK, before I go there, my disclaimer…   for the particular game.        – something the ICC are well aware of
        I am no pundit or statistician, merely   o   Pitch preparation – pitches dry-  from previous lengthy tournaments.
        an observer. Also said, I’m no fanatic;   ing out and becoming lower and slower   •   When tongues wag there is
        I merely love(d) the game for a host of   as the games progressed. So, if you chose   usually a reason – may I suggest that the
        reasons. One… it’s been said that cricket   wrong at the toss, you lost! Or, if you lost   umpiring was not up to WC standards
        mirrors life – maybe more so than many   the toss, you lost.            at times? The most glaring incident was
        other sports. The ups, the downs… the      A quick look at the 45 group   the four-run-overthrow in the final.
        rewards for hard work and dedication.  games - 27 out of the 40 completed round   Regardless of the exact interpretation of
                                            robin fixtures were won by the side bat-  the Law(s) of the Game, how on earth
        However, I believe that analogy is fast   ting first, about 67%. Should that be?   does a batsman get to benefit by hitting
        disappearing into the night sky… like      Most of the sides who won   the ball twice on any given legal delivery?
        a white ball that’s been agriculturally   batting second were favourites to win, on   You can say what you want, I’m sure even
        hacked out of the ground by some-   strength and form, so… they would likely   a club umpire would have called “dead-
        one who could best be described as a   win, irrespective of batting first or second   ball” as soon as the ball deflected off the
        ball-basher. No finesse, no grace, no   – no banana skins here.         batsman’s bat. And so, the WC Final was
        class… just a swinging wide arc of brute   o   Even a semi-final game was rain   decided on what should’ve been a non-
        force… and (maybe, just maybe) igno-  marred – resulting in play to continue the   event! However, some would say justice
        rance.                              next day – allowing one team to benefit   was done, as the losing side’s lucky run

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