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        You might have blinked twice at the heading. I don’t blame you. It’s
        the title of a book about cricket in the Netherlands. But it’s not just
        a book about Dutch cricket, it is a ‘team sheet’ of personal accounts
        around a match or a tournament, showing how the protagonists
        prepare for, experience and reflect on these events.
        I’m probably massively biased, as I’ve translated the Dutch original to
        English, but the original chapters were well-written and witty, and I
        hope I’ve done them justice. They seem to think so.

        So if you are interested in how the Dutch develop from full-time
        students, teachers or bankers who play a bit of cricket on the side, to
        the semi-professionals most of them are now, or if you’re interested
        in Stephan Myburgh’s memories of playing an international match
        against his old team mates, his sister’s former boyfriend, want to
        know who survives when Christmas lights land in a pool with Sohaib
        Ahktar et al in the middle of a session of aqua jogging, or why you
        should never try to fob off a female offering to dance for you while
        you’re reviewing a cricket match in a bar, well then, this book will
        offer all the answers.
        It has taken me about 9 weeks to translate and it is my first real book.
        It also, hopefully, explain the less inspired contribution in the last
        issue. Apologies, I hope to go back to a bit more wit soon.
        If you would like to buy the book and are based in the UK or Ireland,
        please send me an email at If you are
        elsewhere, please go to the website: https://www.windmills-dykes-

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