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The New Magazine & Radio Platform For

         South Africans Around The Globe

             Coming Next Month...

             I’m going to be a bit blasé here. Mmmm, maybe even a tad flippant. Why? By suggesting
             that you’re all used to the magazine by now – so, you already know what will be coming

             Therefore – I want to challenge you… to let us know what else you want to see in the
             magazine. May I suggest a few possibilities?

             •       More letters to the editor…
             •       More poetry – even flash fiction or short stories?
             •       More submissions from different countries? Yes please!
             •       More funnies? More humour and or even the odd cartoon.
             •       How about a new music section?
             •       More sport? Yes… we want more sport but we need your help – by contributing…
             •       More promotional help for folk whose businesses have been affected by recent

             OK… I’d better stop. But… before I wander off into the distance… thanks you all, thanks
             for sharing in our friendship endeavour! Until we chat again, stay safe – be happy - The
             SWW Team!

             Out 20th June 2020

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