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The Cape Mountain Zebra Park

         Historically, the Cape Mountain Zebra occurred widely   Zebra secured, the focus of the Park could be shifted to
         in the mountainous areas of what today is South Africa’s   biodiversity conservation, and with the help of wildlife
         Eastern, Western and Northern Cape Provinces. With   artist David Shepherd and several corporate sponsors,
         the settlement of Europeans in these areas, and the   enough funds were collected to enlarge the Park to
         consequent increase in competition for grazing with   over 28,000 hectares, which allowed the introduction
         their livestock as well as uncontrolled hunting, the   of several large game species – notably lion, cheetah,
         numbers of the zebras started plummeting. With their   buffalo and black rhino – to their former haunts.
         plight finally brought to public awareness, the National   Sharing the Mountain Zebra National Park with its most
         Parks Board (today SANParks) proclaimed the farm     celebrated inhabitants is 65 other kinds of mammals
         Babylons Toren in the Cradock district the Mountain   and to date 257 bird species have been recorded in the
         Zebra National Park in 1937. At 1,432 hectares in extent,  Park. There’s also a multitude of smaller, less noticeable
         the newly established Park was hopelessly too small,   animals in the Park, including 45 kinds of reptiles, 10
         and the founding herd of 5 stallions and 1 mare entirely   species of frogs, and giant 4m long earthworms!
         inadequate to save the species from certain doom, and
         by 1950 the world population of Cape Mountain Zebra   In recent years, Mountain Zebra has become one of
         had dwindled to only 91 animals, of which only 2 were   South Africa’s most popular national parks, and recently
         in the national park that carried their name. That same   the number of accommodation units at the Park’s rest
         year a local farmer donated 11 zebras to the park, but it   camp (which also boasts a small shop, restaurant and
         was only in 1964 that the Park was expanded to 6,536   swimming pool) had to be substantially increased to
         hectares with the addition of neighbouring properties.   cater for the demand. Doornhoek Guest House is a
         This proved very much to the zebras’ liking, and by   historic homestead restored to its former glory and now
         1969 the Park’s herd stood at 98 head and by 1978 had   converted to luxurious overnight accommodation in a
         grown to 200. Today, the Mountain Zebra National Park   secluded corner of the Wilgerboom River valley. There’s
         protects around 500 of these beautiful animals, and   also a terrific camping site, two picnic sites, an extensive
         several hundred more have been reintroduced to areas   network of game-viewing roads, three 4×4 trails, a
         in their historic distribution range.                guided hiking trail and guided game drives available to
                                                              visitors. A unique attraction at Mountain Zebra is the
         The Mountain Zebra National Park lies at the         “cheetah tracking” where guests accompany researchers
         transitional zone between the arid western Karoo-    and rangers to find radio-collared cheetahs in their
         scrublands and the moister, eastern grasslands, and   natural habitat. Mountain Zebra National Park is located
         protects a wide variety of habitats and landscapes within   just outside the small town of Cradock, on the R61-road
         its borders. Given its amazing topographical diversity it   to Graaff-Reinet.
         should come as no surprise that over 700 plant species
         occur in the Park. With the future of the Cape Mountain   Visit the De Wet’s at

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