Page 15 - SAFFER 07
P. 15


        new home area and also start looking for a place to settle.
        Our rental is for two years only. North Vancouver is beautiful   Slowly but surely the little family are settling in. Annie and
        but busy and the traffic is always difficult to navigate. I stop   I drive around the Lower Mainland to search for houses
        off from work in Richmond at a Nissan Dealer and negotiate   for sale. We have to take the work locations for both into
        a second hand Nissan Pathfinder.                      consideration to ensure that it does not affect the limited
                                                              funds available. The total savings brought from South Africa,
        I opt for all wheel drive as the city does get snow and if   our life, has been expended and now we are living from pay
        we want to travel safely, we will need a decent vehicle. The   cheque to pay cheque.
        Pathfinder opens up new adventures and we plan to complete
        monthly weekend trips to further investigate beautiful Brit-  On one of these home seeking drives; Annie is navigating
        ish Columbia. The furniture from South Africa arrives and   with me driving. I look across at the map she is holding and
        makes the house much more liveable.

        Winter arrives and as in Cape Town, it’s a lot of rain. It rains
        for days on end. Annie, missing David and dealing with the
        challenges of settling into a new strange world is depressed,
        sad and struggling to keep it together. I bundle Annie and
        the dogs into the Pathfinder and we make our way up Sey-
        mour Mountain. The constant rain is depressing and while
        we climb up the steep twisting mountain road the rain turns
        to sleet and all of a sudden, the trees are covered in snow and
        huge white snowflakes are falling in place of rain. Annie is
        driven to tears with the beauty that surrounds us.

        Mount Seymour becomes the go-to place to recharge bat-
        teries and view the beauty of Vancouver below. The whole
        family thoroughly enjoys the day trips up the mountain,
        including the dogs. The snow is a new experience for Nicole,
        Annie and the dogs, Cuddles and Gizmo.

                                                              ask her to turn it upright in the direction we are driving. I
                                                              want to see the next road that I must look out for. Annie has
                                                              a sense of humour failure and throws the map at me and
                                                              says, here you navigate then. Juggling the map while trying
                                                              to drive and handle an angry Annie at the same time is pretty
                                                              challenging but very amusing. Fortunately, the area we head
                                                              to is not a prospective home area. Relieved I drive back to
                                                              North Vancouver with a seething Annie glaring at me. Boy
                                                              what an interesting drive.  A lesson I still struggle with, hap-
                                                              py wife, happy life.  Oh - I am going to suffer!

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