Page 20 - SAFFER 07
P. 20

The Springbok

        Swimming & Treasure Hunting

        Not too long ago, we made friends with a local couple.  we were – sons of the Springbok tribe – enjoying a
        What makes it so special is that we actually live about   pleasant hour or so along a County Wicklow beach in
        one kilometre apart and until we met, we were totally   Ireland.
        unaware of each other. Nothing strange there – except
        that Morné is a fellow South African! So… how had      I’ll add – Morné often camps along the beaches and
        we lived in the same area and not heard each other     at inland beauty spots. He has committed to taking
        speak? I mean… same shops, same beaches – same         photos – and then, we’ll collaborate. He’ll dictate the
        outdoors. To be honest – I have walked past their      tales and share his photos – and I will record. So, we
        house on numerous occasions when I go off on my        are going to be seeing a lot more of Morné and the fun
        wanders. But then, I’m a firm believer - things happen   he shares. I can’t think of a better way to show you our
        when they are meant to happen.                         world than through the eyes of a fellow South African.

        So… recently, on a happy morning – we went off to      Editor’s Note: Morné was involved and injured in a
        one of the local beaches – Morné to swim and me        motorbike accident on the same evening these photos
        to treasure hunt! (One day – I’d love to metal detect   were taken – he is recovering so, please keep him and
        some of these beaches – for now, I only “mud lark”.)   his wife Mary in your thoughts.
        What a fine morning – and after Morné’s swim and
        my larking, we sat and chatted about life and friend-
        ships forming in strange ways.                         Update: 19/07/20
                                                               Morne was operated on today and we are pleased to
        We also chatted about the Saffer Worldwide platform    report he is doing well and will soon be back in the
        and my said aim – to build friendships. So, there      sea.

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