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Winter Playground: Destination

        Western Australia

        CoVid 19 has caused chaos all over the world. With a sense of   Just inland from the bustle of the canals are natural wetlands.
        an “altered reality,” shops in Western Australia are just starting   Pelicans, gulls and black swans are everywhere. Overhead flotil-
        to reopen. School holidays are in full swing and with the hard   las of pelicans, noisy white crested corella parrots, black cocka-
        border lockdown still in place, “local” is the go-to destination!  toos, green ringneck parrots as well as pink and grey galahs can
                                                              be seen. Conservation areas have been carefully planned and
        We have spent the past few weeks between Perth and Mandurah   incorporated into the design. There are parks and duck-ponds
        and we are now enjoying the beautiful Tinglewood forests of   to be found in all neighbourhoods. Beaches are all along the
        Walpole/Denmark in an area known as The Great Southern.  seaward side of Mandurah. Beautiful walkways are to be found
                                                              all around this magnificent area.
        The winter day time temperature is perfect for exploring the
        region. Roaring log fires keep restaurants and taverns nice and   Photos really do not do justice to this winter playground which
        toasty in the evenings.                               is just down the freeway from Perth. Just inland from Mandu-
                                                              rah is North and South Yunderup which are on opposite banks
        Perth has so many parks, playgrounds and open spaces, as well   of the Murray River. Steve and I enjoyed a braai with friends at
        as Kings Park with its magnificent views over the Swan River.  Mulberry Cottage. We got together in Cape Town last Novem-
                                                              ber at The Blue Peter. While fishing in the area for black bream
        Mandurah has a system of manmade quays and beautiful   (known locally as Brim) the water suddenly surged in front of
        waterways. Homes all look like palaces mostly with boats just   us - two dolphins on the hunt.
        tied up at their private dock. Vessels range from the alumini-
        um “tinny” to cruising/ entertaining pleasure craft. There are   From here we travelled to the Great Southern which is famous
        houseboats (which resemble floating caravans) to luxury ocean   for its towering forests.
        going yachts.
                                                              Manjimup is the heart of the black truffle trade. An annual
        A tour of the canals, quays and wetlands is a “must do” if you   foodie event is held here called “The Truffle Kerfuffle.” Like oth-
        find yourself here. The dolphins surf right alongside the vessel   er events it was postponed this year. The highlight of a previous
        as you cruise through the waterways. There are two major   visit was to go on a real truffle hunt with a trained truffle dog.
        bridges linking the foreshore area to the suburbs on the sea side   Extremely expensive product!
        of the city centre. Both of these bridges have purposely built
        fishing jetties underneath. Fish cleaning stations with running   Pemberton is known for trout farms and fly-fishing. If you
        water and waste disposable areas are floodlit at night. It is so   know about geocaching then a cache is located at the top of one
        nice to see families fishing or having a picnic together. Play are-  of the tall trees used as fire spotting lookouts - I shall leave this
        as provide sunny fun in winter and shaded areas in summer.  for another time. Geocaching needs an entire article to do it
        A few trains-on-wheels circuit the foreshore to Dolphin Quays
        areas providing a fun trip for families. There are coffee shops,   The Tree Top Canopy walk is through a forest of red tinglewood
        indoor markets, a play park with a Ferris wheel, boats and   trees. The steel walkway is 40 metres above the forest floor.
        kayaks for hire, cinemas and a performing arts theatre - the list   These enormous trees are 70 metres high. When you have com-
        is endless. There is even an enclosed swimming pool area in the   pleted the tree top tour you walk along a wooden boardwalk at
        fast-flowing tidal sea water. Walkways have “special photo op-  the foot of theses enormous trees. Information boards name the
        portunity” spots which include a heart shape to pose in-front of,  trees and provide information on the animals who live in the
        a painted pelican to “feed” and a life-size 3-D mural to stand in.  forest. Umbrellas are provided and families took advantage of
                                                              the winter break to explore this area.
        At night the “old” bridge is lit in a changing kaleidoscope of
        colour. A pedestrian walkway and cycle path is on the side of   As many businesses are still closed (or working shorter hours)
        the bridge safely away from the traffic. A new skate-board park   the restaurants and hotels which are open are doing a brisk
        is being constructed on the island side of this bridge.  trade. It is good to see that locals from WA are travelling,
                                                              social distancing and supporting local businesses in their time
        A very unusual war memorial pays tribute to the fallen. This   of need. Dinner this evening was in the Tavern in front of a
        incorporates pillars from the water’s edge as symbols of the   roaring log fire. Tomorrow we head back to Esperance until our
        beach landing at Normandy, becoming tall pillars at the centre   next trip to Perth for a wedding in August.
        and grave stones at the inland. The sun shines directly through
        the centre only on Armistice Day.                      Maureen

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