Page 2 - LDBD Community Mailer Magazine - Vol. 1, Issue 1 - Oct Nov Dec 2018
P. 2
Editor’s Note
Elder Lakeba Wallace
Elder Lakeba Wallace is a Woman of
EXTREME Faith who God has given
the ability to become a Magazine Edi-
tor, Realtor, Author, Radio/TV
Personality, Motivational Speaker and
most importantly a mother and a
Breast Cancer Survivor/Educator. She
is the Host of the Living Day By Day
Radio/TV Show and Magazine Editor
of the Living Day By Day Magazine.
As an accomplished author, Elder
Wallace has published two books, You
Can Make It and The Deliverance
Book. She is currently in the process of
publishing three more books, In Many Wars, Understanding and Identi-
fying Breast Cancer and Living Day By Day—A Family Guide to Daily
Living. Elder Lakeba also wrote a poem entitled, "So You Thought."
As a public speaker, she seeks to enhance opportunities in mass media
broadcasting, conferences, events and other platforms that will give her
the ability to empower and encourage and all people.
As a Magazine Editor, she strives to continue to create and distribute
a magazine that offers an avenue of information, education and
As a Woman of God, she seeks to reach, help and enhance the world by
sharing her testimony as a breast cancer survivor, single parent and as a
professional who has succeeded through many hard times.
For speaking engagements, Elder Lakeba Wallace can be reached via, on Facebook (
lakeba.wallace), Instagram ( or
on Twitter ( Be sure to visit her website
2 | Oct Nov Dec 2018 LIVING Day By Day •Net