Page 6 - LDBD Community Mailer Magazine - Vol. 1, Issue 1 - Oct Nov Dec 2018
P. 6
LDBD in every issue ◊ Teens Talk 2
Why Not Me?
Have you ever felt like you couldn’t propel after
graduating from high school, college or a university?
Or, you can’t propel in your current job. Many have felt
this way in silence in fear of telling their family or
friends how they really feel.
If you feel this way, don’t be ashamed or in silence be-
cause of how you feel. The most important thing for
you to do is to begin telling yourself… Why Not Me.
Why can’t I be the one to propel, to advance, to get a
better job, to make more money, to be successful after
graduation….Why Not ME.
Everyone across the world has something that they
need to overcome and so many people around the
world are overcoming their issues and living a very
healthy, happy and productive lifestyle. Regardless of your age, you can be
successful. Do not allow anyone to tell you that you can’t be. Whatever you put
your mind and efforts to, you can accomplish.
The bible tells us in Philippians 4:13 (KJV), that I can do all things through Christ
which strengtheneth me. This is all you need to know. God believes in you and
is backing you. Knowing and understanding this scriptures, gives you the will power
to say… Why Not Me.
It is often said that attitude is everything. This is so very true especially when you
have people around you that do not believe in you, people around that have laughed
at you and even people that have betrayed you. There is a lot of talk about this type
of behavior (just mentioned) in older adults, but teens experience this as well in high
school, transitioning in a job or just entering college or a university.
No matter how people feel about you, keep telling yourself… Why Not Me. This
statement only will help you soar to the top. It will help you overcome the pressure
that you have experienced in school/college, on a job or maybe even in your own
family. God believes in you and that settles it. No one can stop God from promoting
and elevating you to the TOP!!! Why Not Me is the statement that can and will
change your life now and forever more. ■
Blessings to you all,
Latesha Janay
6 | Oct Nov Dec 2018 LIVING Day By Day •Net