Page 7 - LDBD Community Mailer Magazine - Vol. 1, Issue 1 - Oct Nov Dec 2018
P. 7
LDBD in every issue ◊ Spiritual Spotlight
Pastor Aldren Sadler, Sr.
A county, Georgia native, Pastor Aldren Sadler is a graduate of Control
Data Institute. He received a Bachelor of Business Administration in
Management from Georgia State University and a Masters of Pastoral
Counseling from Andersonville Theology Seminary. In January 2012,
Pastor Sadler received his Doctor of Divinity from Union Baptist Semi-
nary. He is a member of the Peek’s Chapel Baptist Church, Conyers,
Georgia where he was licensed to preach in July 1981 and ordained in
May 1982.
While at Peek’s Chapel, Pastor Sadler has served as Sunday school
teacher, secretary of the Board of Deacons, Financial Secretary of the
church, member of the Trustee Board and the Building Committee.
In 1984 , Pastor Sadler was called to pastor Travelers Rest Baptist
Church in Scottdale, Georgia, where he served until April 1990. He
served as pastor of Second Shady Grove Baptist Church in Conyers,
Georgia, from July 1990 to June 1995 and Millers Chapel Baptist Church, Conyers, Georgia in March 1997
through May 2006.
In June of 2006, Pastor Sadler organized the Church of New Beginnings in Conyers, Georgia; where he
currently serves as Founder and Senior Pastor. In July of 2008, Pastor Sadler was ordained by The
Fellowship of Vineyard Harvester Churches.
Invested in the Rockdale County community, Pastor Sadler has served in a variety of volunteer capacities,
including: member of the Board of Directors of Rockdale Hospital from 1983 to 1989; charter member of the
City of Conyers Citizens’ Police Academy; member of the Conyers Rockdale Consolidation Committee; and
as a member of Rockdale United Way Board of Directors.
Pastor Sadler is also a member of the Rockdale County Task Force Against Family Violence, the Board
of Directors for Rockdale Department of Family and Children Services and in July of 2011, was elected
Chairman for Rockdale Department of Family and Children Services (DFACS).
In February 2008, Pastor Sadler was selected Chaplain for the Rockdale County Sheriff’s Office and
January 2009, was certified by The Georgia Peace Officer Standards and Training Council (POST) as a
Chaplain and is a 2008 graduate of the Georgia Association of Sheriff’s Mandate Chaplain School. January
2012 received the 2011 City of Conyers Spirit of Conyers Award. In September 2012, Pastor Sadler was
selected from hundreds of applicants to participate in Leadership Rockdale sponsored by Rockdale
Chamber of Commerce. He graduated from this program June 2013.
On March 2014, Pastor Sadler received F. William Hughey Award. January 2015, awarded the “AR Gus”
Barksdale Life Time Achievement Award, the most prestigious award given by the Rockdale County
Chamber of Commerce. February 2015, elected Vice Chair of the Rockdale Hospital Authority. October
2015, appointed to serve as Chairman of the Rockdale Board of Elections and Registration. January 2017
appointed to a three (3) year term for the Rockdale Medical Center Board of Trustees, beginning
February 2017.
Employed by Rollins, Inc., Atlanta, Georgia from September 1980 to December 2007, Pastor Sadler is
currently retired after working 35 years in the field of Information Technology.
Pastor Sadler is married to the former Gloria Jean Jordan of Roanoke, Alabama. They are the proud
parents of three children, Al, Jr., Felicia and Eddie (deceased); the grandparents of three granddaughters,
Morgan, Chandler and Hannah, four grandsons Daylen, Chase, Cade, and Karlos, Jr. and the Godparent
of Hope and the God grandparents of Tylen.
LIVING Day By Day •Net Oct Nov Dec 2018 | 7