Page 4 - LDBD Community Mailer Magazine - Vol. 1, Issue 1 - Oct Nov Dec 2018
P. 4
As a new evolu on in the movie industry emerges, one of the people
breaking down barriers and leading the way is Angela White, a film
producer and member of the Producer’s Guild of America, who special-
izes in crea ng compelling commercial stories with a dis nct mul -
cultural perspec ve. Angela White is the founder of Silver Lining Enter-
tainment, LLC, a family owned Mul media Entertainment Company
based in Los Angeles, California.
As an execu ve, filmmaker, entrepreneur, producer and talent manag-
er, Angela has not only worked shoulder to shoulder with the Holly-
wood elite, she has opened the velvet rope for newcomers by guiding
their careers and giving several stars of today their big break. Angela's
films have been highlighted on ABC News, CBS, Good Morning America,
Fox News, Bravo's Watch What Happens Live, Washington Post, NY
Times, USA Today, LA Times, Variety, Hollywood Reporter, Deadline
Hollywood, Huffington Post, The Real, and Dish Na on, just to name a
Before the fame, Angela started out like most do in this industry, with
nothing more than a dream. A na ve of New Jersey, Angela graduated
from the University of Delaware with a Bachelor of Arts degree. She
then received a Master of Arts degree in Poli cal Science from Rutgers University and obtained a Juris Doctor-
ate degree from New York Law School. Instead of following the cau ous path of a legal career, Angela bet on
herself and took her dreams to Hollywood. She quickly became the go-to manager for comedians and comedic
actors. That grew into her producing and managing comedy shows, which she con nues to do today as the
series creator and Execu ve Producer of “The Comedy Underground Series," the first original comedy stand-up
show from RLJ Entertainment (the company owned by BET founder Bob Johnson and AMC Networks).
Many consider Hollywood to be the ul mate dream trip. Angela personified that, by blossoming her dream into
reality, and bringing other burgeoning talents along for the ride. Moving from talent management into produc-
ing, Angela made a string of popular films that featured or gave big breaks to actors who have become well-
known household names. Those films include "4Play" (featuring Tiffany Haddish, Wesley Jonathan, Jaleel
White); "The Last Le er" (starring Omari Hardwick, Lynn Whi ield, Sharon Leal, Gary Dourdan, Bill Cobbs,) “The
Sin Seer” (starring Isaiah Washington, Salli Richardson, Lisa Arrindell Anderson); #WhereisBeauty (starring R&B
singer Goapele); “My Favorite Five” (starring Rochelle Aytes, Brian White, DeRay Davis, Jay Ellis, Quinton Aa-
ron); “Who Can I Run To” (starring gospel ar st Tasha Page Lockhart, R&B ar sts Major and Lil’ Mo and gospel
sensa on Marvin Sapp); and two films released by Lionsgate Entertainment: “The Cheaters Club” (with Rock-
mond Dunbar, Eva Marcille, Tony Rock, Leon) and the 2015 Grand Jury Prize winner of the American Black Film
Fes val (“ABFF”), “Bachelors” (starring Gary Owen, Colin Egglesfield, David Faus no, Anna Hutchison, Fred
Willard ).
Angela recently made history, by becoming the first African American woman to produce a theatrical faith-
based film, en tled “A Ques on of Faith,” which stars Kim Fields, Richard T. Jones, C. Thomas Howell, GregAlan
Williams, Renee O’Connor, Jaci Velasquez and TC Stallings. It was the first faith- based film in history to screen
for members of Congress on Capitol Hill. The film also accomplished a rare feat in the movie business receiving
an A+ Cinema Score. On average, less than five movies a year receive this top honor. Cinema Score surveys film
audiences a er they see a movie to rate their viewing experiences with le er grades. “A Ques on of Faith”
received an A+ across all demos.
As a highly sought a er connec on in the professional circles of the film business, Angela u lizes her por olio
and skills to con nue opening doors for others to enter. As a mo va onal speaker, educator, and mentor,
Angela created “Backstage Pass to the Movie Industry,” an online school, which features a curriculum using her
keen understanding and perspec ve on the challenges people face in show business, and the path to make
your Hollywood dreams come true.
Angela will con nue to produce feature films and Television content from a mul -cultural perspec ve that will
advocate social change to help our society be a be er na on.
4 | Oct Nov Dec 2018 LIVING Day By Day •Net