Page 33 - Martial Science Magazine Apr/2015 #8
P. 33

FAST FORCE EXPLOSIVE / REACTIVE: They re-         based on the type of muscle contraction that is ha-
             quire an immediate recruitment of fast twitch mus-  ppening in the muscle fiber when doing the exer-
             cle fibers for quick contraction to make the move-  cise.
             ment possible. We see this in actions like jumping,  Are you lost?  Here are some general principles and
             landing, sprinting, punching, kicking, Judo like  tips that may be helpful:
             quick pull, or any sudden explosive action done in
             the minimum time possible.                        1-ALWAYS WARM UP BEFORE ANY WEIGHT
                                                               TRAINING SESSION, KEEPING IN MIND:
             STRENGTH):  Is your capacity to maintain the   *A light stretching before training session, is
             muscle groups involved in any specific action, kee-  always good but do not overdo it. Any movement
             ping the correspondent degree of contraction for  with weight resistance shortens muscles fibers kee-
             a long period of time continuously. For example,  ping some minimum degree of contraction (muscle
             a grappling situations in which a person is being  tone). A long stretching session would not get you
             shocked, he/she may have to resist a pull or a push  ready for lifting. It would be like taking a drowsy
             for a long time from a very strong opponent. Ano-  muscular relaxer pill, then trying to lift.
             ther example in which this muscular ability
             manifests itself, is when repeating many,         *If you jog for a warm up, about 3 to 8 minutes
             many times, very short actions that re-            should be more than enough, because its purpose
             quire quick explosive contractions, for             is to ele-     vate your heart rate, improve the
             example, when an athlete fights for a               b l o o d      flow to the muscles involved and
             long time in events without time cons-              w a r m        them up. If you do it for too long,
             traints like MMA in its origins, is                                         you might be impeding
             tiring and one must punch or kick                                           yourself from working
             again, and again until the end.                                             with your optimum
             According to the principles of                                             weight due to fatigue.
             sports training methodology, and                                      Instead try focusing on few
             its modern concepts, a well-balan-                     repetitions of extensions, flexion, and rota-
             ced training program should dedicate                  tions of the joins involved in the exercises to be
             time to develop each of those different              performed that day, and mainly, on more spe-
             types of strength explained above se-               cific exercises. For instance try a few sets with
             parately, during periods of time ca-                low weight and reps of the same exercise you are
             lled cycles. The length of each indi-                      going to do in that session, then increase
             vidual cycles depends on the length                           them gradually until you reach the ac-
             of time an athlete has to prepare for                           tual poundage you are going to work
             an event, and the specific needs of di-                           with. Your cardio session is not a
             fferent sports disciplines.                                        proper warm up, for your stren-
                                                                                gth session with weights, even if
             Implementing fast explosive force will increase                     you are going to work your legs
             your striking power and the performance of sud-                      the same day and regardless
             den actions like Judo pull, throws, jumping, etc.                    how much you sweat when you
             while increasing your level of endurance stren-         d o           it!
             gth, will enable you of doing more repetitions
             of any specific action before muscle failure.      2-The type          of  force  intended  to be  de-
             The drills and exercises used to develop each     veloped    in         training sessions, will be
             specific type of strength are very different      determined             by the relation Sets/Repe-
             from each other, and they could be chosen         t it i on s /          Pounds/Rest in between

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