Page 34 - Martial Science Magazine Apr/2015 #8
P. 34
sets. As a general rule, the following percentages with another cycle of few weeks, during which the
are widely accepted: purpose is to develop Endurance Strength, using
other types of exercises that cover multiple mus-
Power and explosiveness cle groups such as clean and jerk, snatch, stepping
5-6 sets/6-8 reps/80-90% of 1RM/1-1/2min reco- on to a platform with weights, lounges, plyometric,
very circuit training etc.
Endurance strength 7- I would choose always, free weights equipment,
2-4 sets/25-50 reps/up to60-80% of 1RM/-2 min over any machine or cable pulling device anytime
recovery that is possible. It will allow you to develop more
balance and coordination, plus avoid counting on
Pure Strength but little power the missing weight due to the major leverage sys-
4-6 sets/1-5reps/90-95% of 1RM/2-3 min recovery. tem of the machines.
3-Working above 95% of 1 RM has very few be- 8-Increasing muscle mass could definitively be a
nefits in martial arts, and is dangerous, therefore consequence of strength training, but, unless the
please avoid unless you are advised and spotted by practitioner is intending to move to a higher weigh
a knowledgeable coach, or training partner. division, it should never be a main purpose over
the development of the other capacities mentioned
4-In an ideal scenario, a professional fighter, or above.
anybody who has the time and dedication, would
split his/her physical conditioning and techni- 9-Body building methods are ineffective for mar-
cal-tactical preparation, into separated training tial arts conditioning. Their purpose is to increase
sessions, dedicating between 2-3 training sessions muscle size, definition, and symmetry with an ex-
per cycle (around a week), to work on strength. If treme low body fat. That could be detrimental for
that is not you case, trying to get as close to it as your health, and for sure, will not allow us to go
possible, should help you to achieve measurable through long training sessions of perfecting our
improvements sooner, if the rest of the elements of form, combat drills, sparring, speed and enduran-
a well-planned training program are also meet. ce training, etc., that we do almost every day. Not
to mention all those different types of supplements
5-If you only have time to practice between 2-3 ti- used in bodybuilding that includes not only exces-
mes per week, and most do your physical condi- sive amounts of proteins and vitamins, but steroids,
tioning and technical training in the same session; anabolic, HGH, etc. That have already proven to
then always work on Power Strength (explosive- have a catastrophic effect in the practitioner’s athle-
ness), before any other type of strength. If working tic performance, and their social lives also.
different physical capacities, such as: speed, endu-
rance, agility, flexibility, strength, coordination, etc. A weight training program focused on isolated
in the same conditioning training session, then do muscles, makes sense for a body builder, or some-
always, speed first before any other, and Strength body who works out with the intention to impro-
before endurance. ve his/her fitness level. Very often they would do a
lots of repetitions until muscle failure. Increasing
6-Many coaches would plan an initial cycle of size (“getting big”), improving symmetry, or bur-
few weeks intending to develop power strength ning fat (“getting cut”) are their main objectives. In
with exercises that cover the major muscle groups other words they try to achieve an appearance, a
used during the most commonly seen actions of look, without a concern for improving their perfor-
their discipline, example Bench presses, Squats, mance capacity like we do. They use what is called
Arms flexion and extensions, Abs, etc., to follow a “split body part routine”, meaning they work di-