Page 48 - Martial Science Feb Issuu 19_Active
P. 48

The obstacles are opportuni-     to hit and how to hit, there are
              ties to reach higher spiritual  points on the human body in
              levels. This process prepares  which the rotation of an im-
              us for the next two levels  pact is realized contrary to
              where martial art should ex- the traditional form to have
              cel, where the philosophy of  major effectiveness.
              the Budo and Bushido should
              be the most important inte-      The last phase from 56 years
              gral part from the beginning  on is the most gratifying of
              of our teachings in martial  all. Here is where we reap
              arts. One of the primary ob-     what we sow through our
              jectives is to eliminate the fear  life. From the point of view in
              of death. All fear does is dom-  martial arts our stance is com-
              inate the soul, paralyzing the  pletely relaxed and natural.
              development of being human.  Traditional  karate positions
              The Samurai left us a philos- are no longer necessary for
              ophy that can be used in our  attack or defense. The knowl-
              everyday modern lives. The  edge acquired is integrated in
              Samurai  lived everyday as if  a whole, where the frontiers
              it was their last, with no fear  of different martial arts disap-
              of death, in fact inviting death  pear. The quest for perfection
              “ there is no greater hon-       ends in death.
              or than to die in battle” this
              was the Samurai’s purpose  We should consider ourselves
              to complete. For that reason  everlasting students in order
              they adopted the Sakura as a  to not detain our spiritual
              representative in the philos-    growth. From a spiritual point
              ophy of life. The flower from  of  view  we achieve  through
              the Sakura never fades, it falls  martial arts eternal peace.
              from the tree when it fully de-
              velops and is most beautiful.  The majority of people in the
              Once the fear of death ex-       final walk into the sunset of
              pires, an internal transforma- their lives march with their
              tion which liberates us for the  heads down, shoulders col-
              rest of our lives so we can live  lapsed carrying the weight of
              happily. Happiness is a form  past errors. The martial artist
              of travel, not to a destination.  that  has  made  the  bushido
              Self  happiness  is  an election  their life’s philosophy march
              one  takes  and  is  not  depen-  with their heads and shoul-
              dent  on  our  economic  state  ders erect with no fear, hum-
              nor the pinnacles we reach.      ming  a  happy song toward
                                               the final transition.”
              The second phase the martial
              artist must concentrate in the
              quest for perfection of martial
              knowledge, to delve deep-
              ly into studies of the human
              body, its vital points where a
              martial artist can apply differ-
              ent technique from impact or
              pressure. The techniques be-
              come more fluent, precise and
              swift. The positions become
              higher to obtain maximum
              speed and are more relaxed. It
              is important to to know where

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