Page 51 - Martial Science Feb Issuu 19_Active
P. 51

If you must expound  the  taught to them accordingly.  say, ‘’Practice is not moving
              Dhamma, the best way is not  An  instance demonstrating  forward,  but there is  for-
              to think about it at all. Simply  his  own  spontaneity  oc- ward movement. At the same
              forget it. The more you think  curred when once, after he  time,  it is  not moving  back,
              and try to plan, the worse it  had expounded the Dhamma  but there is backward move-
              will  be. This is hard to do,  to a group of his disciples,  ment. And, finally, practice is
              though, isn’t it? Sometimes,  he asked them if they had  not stopping and being still,
              when you’re flowing  along  ever heard this teaching be- but there is  stopping  and
              quite smoothly, there  will  fore. They replied  that they  being still. So there is mov-
              be a pause,  and  someone  had not. He then went on to  ing  forward and  backward
              may  ask  a  question.  Then,         say that he himself had also   as well as being still, but you
              suddenly,  there’s  a whole  never heard it before.               can’t say that it is  any  one
              new  direction.  There seems                                      of the three. Then practice
              to be an unlimited  source  Just  continue your  practice  eventually comes to a point
              that you can never exhaust.      no matter what you are do-       where there is  neither  for-
                                               ing. Practice is not dependent  ward nor  backward move-
              I believe without a doubt in  on any one posture, such as  ment, nor any being  still.
              the Buddha’s ability to know  sitting or walking. Rather, it  Where is that?’’
              the  temperaments and re- is a  continuous awareness
              ceptivity of other beings. He  of the flow of your own con- On another informal  occa-
              used  this  very  same  meth-    sciousness  and  feelings. No  sion, he said, ‘’To define Bud-
              od of spontaneous teaching.  matter what is  happening,  dhism without a lot of words
              It’s not  that he needed  to  just  compose yourself  and  and phrases, we can simply
              use  any  superhuman  pow- always  be mindfully  aware  say,  ‘Don’t cling  or hold on
              er,  but rather that  he was  of that flow.’’                     to anything. Harmonize with
              sensitive to the needs of the                                     actuality, with things just as
              people around  him and  so        Later, the Master went on to  they are.’’’

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