Page 56 - Martial Science Feb Issuu 19_Active
P. 56
spends a lot of individual time
together with me, to make sure I
understand each ‘waza’ (techni-
que) very clearly, practising to-
gether with me for long hours.”
J: And apparently it’s working!
So, before you won the female
kata division at the WKF World
Championships in Paris, how
did your actual training/prepa-
ration schedule look like? I can
imagine it was intense!
RU: “Yeah, in order to prepare
for the World Championships, I
naturally went to Tottori, where
Inoue sensei’s dojo is located,
for some very intense training.
Around this time there were any
other international students the-
re too, training together to win
in Paris, like Antonio (Diaz).
Along with these dedicated
athletes, I sometimes practised
from 10 am to 10 pm. Many ti-
mes I practised by myself too,
even after finishing the group
training sessions.” about kumite? Do you practise to keep in mind that there is so-
kumite? A lot of kata competi- meone in front of you when you
RU: “Strength training is the tors seem to shy away from it. do kata too! So, kumite has rea-
starting point for my techniques, Explain your thoughts on the lly helped adjust my kata based
and it’s actually very important relationship between kata & on that conception.”
for this reason. You must do it. kumite.
For any technique to be pro- J: That’s an incredibly valuable
perly stabilized, basic physical RU: “After I started to serious- insight. Now let me ask you a
strength is essential. Therefo- ly participate in kata tourna- trickier question: What is your
re, I perform strength training ments, I started to train some opinion about the difference
with the following philosophy kumite as well, to complement between so-called “traditional
in mind; great technique in kata my basic (kihon) training. The Karate” (as a martial art), and
can only be achieved with ha- main difference in the relations- “contemporary Karate” (as a
ving a solid foundation of stren- hip between kumite and kata is sport)?
gth. That’s my opinion.” that there is always a physical
opponent in front of you in ku- RU: “Hmm…. that’s very di-
J: And if anyone doubts that, mite, whereas in kata you are fficult [laughs]! *Long pause*
you are living proof! So what performing alone. But, you have Well, my thinking is that you