Page 57 - Martial Science Feb Issuu 19_Active
P. 57
shouldn’t consider those two – mistake is, you lose against J: That is indeed super im-
traditional/contemporary Kara- yourself. Secondly, you fail to portant. Train as you compe-
te – as separate things. Instead, properly listen to your master te, compete as you train. Now,
try to find where the vital areas [laughs]. Finally, you just need let’s talk about your victory at
shared by both approaches con- to keep practising, repeatedly, the 21st World Karate Cham-
verge, and focus on those. That’s and not giving up too early.” pionships in Paris. A crowd of
very important, I believe. The 12’000 people were giving you
most valuable aspects of Sports J: And 99% of those three mis- standing ovations before you
Karate and Traditional Karate takes are based on the mind! had even finished your final
are the ones that will overlap.” So, what kind of mental atti- kata. Unbelievable. Explain
tude do you think is actually that feeling.
J: That’s an important concept required for somebody to per-
indeed, yet hard for people to form a world-class kata? And RU: “Yes. When I won the
grasp! Speaking of important; how does one train to foster World Championships, that was
if you could choose the top 3 that mindset? absolutely the happiest moment
most important attributes a
person needs to become really
good at Karate, what would
those be?
RU: “The first one is basic phy-
sical preparation. The second
one is Karate strength/conditio-
ning and the third one has to be
technique. The fourth one is…
Oh, sorry! I could only choo-
se three, right? Okay. That’s it.
Or, no, wait a second! Here’s a
better answer: Body, mind and
J: Ah, you mean ‘Shin-Gi-Tai’
RU: “Yeah, exactly. Shin-Gi-
J: Hah, I almost expected you
to say that! So, if we flip the
script: What are the top 3 bi-
ggest mistakes you see people RU: “This answer is simple: To in my entire career. And then,
making when practising Kara- be able to perform your best at when I realized that people
te? a tournament, it is important to around me were even more ex-
simply act as normal as possi- cited about my victory than my-
RU: “Since I cannot speak for ble. And for that, you need to self… I became overwhelmed.”
others, this answer is based be very mentally focused during
on myself only, okay? The first regular training time.”
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