Page 55 - Martial Science Feb Issuu 19_Active
P. 55

                  12’000 people giving somebody a 5-minute-long standing ovation.
             Now, imagine this “somebody” is a tiny Japanese girl, performing kata in
                                           the middle of a huge arena!
                                            Her name is RIKA USAMI.
                                  At the 2012 World Championships in Paris.
                                    That’s the incredible power of her kata!
                 RIKA USAMI is truly one of a kind when it comes to the technical
                                                  execution of kata.
                Her merits include gold medals from huge competitions such as the
                       Japanese National Championships, Asian Championships,
              World Championships, Istanbul Open, Jakarta Open, Dutch Open, Paris
              Open, Salzburg Open and other events in the international tournament
             scene. I’ve been filming her top-class kata performances for a long time.
                 You’ve probably seen her Bassai Dai, Seienchin, Koshokun Dai, Ko-
              shokun Sho, Tomari Bassai or Chatan Yara Koshokun many times if you
                                           follow my YouTube channel.
                     However, not until this weekend did I actually interview her!
                                             And the result was epic…

              J    (Jesse):   Okay,     Usa-   RU:  “My  first  tournament  was  you  think  you’ve  had such
              mi-san!  Let’s  take  it  from  the                            when I had green belt.  I was  great  success  in  tournaments
              beginning:  When, where and  in elementary school at that  anyway?
              why did  you start practicing  time, 12 years old. It was a pre-
              Karate?                          tty small tournament though,  RU: “Probably because I truly
                                               consisting mostly of kids from  love Karate more than anything
              RU (Rika Usami):  “I started  nearby  towns’ dojos. I  actua- else. Plus, I get a lot of support
              Karate when I was 10 years  lly  did  not  participate  in  any          from people around me. Those
              old, by joining a Goju-ryu style  bigger tournaments until I was  are the reasons, I think.”
              dojo located  near my family’s  15 years old.”
              house in Tokyo. The reason was                                    J: Speaking of people around
              because  one day I saw a cool  J: So how long did it actually  you, can you tell me about your
              female  fighter  on  TV,  which  take before you started winning  sensei?  What is it  about your
              made me really  curious about  most of your tournaments?          master that makes him so spe-
              the martial arts. Back then, my                                   cial?
              older brother had already been   RU: “I was 17 years old when
              practising  Karate for a while,   I won a big tournament for the   RU: “You mean Inoue  sensei?
              even letting me wear his gi on   first time. That was the national   Well, first of all, he teaches me
              occasions, so that helped me a   high school championship. So, it   not  only  the  physical  aspects
              lot when I decided to eventually   actually took me 7 years to win   of Karate, but he also helps me
              start practising Karate myself.”  my first tournament in Karate!”  improve my mental abilities. It’s
                                                                                the spiritual aspect.  Also, the
              J: And at what age did you start                                  main thing that separates Inoue
              competing in kata?               J:  And you’ve been winning      sensei from other instructors is
                                               a  lot  more  since!  Why do     that, unlike  many masters, he

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