Page 58 - Martial Science Feb Issuu 19_Active
P. 58
J: I even remember your sen- thought a lot of people have lly matter. Although your goal
sei crying of joy after that in- different opinions about what I may often look hard to achieve
credible final. Yet, you are not should, or should not, do with at first, if you continually make
longing for an encore. Explain my career – I’d like to continue efforts toward your goal, then
your recent decision to reti- my education while sharing my your time, energy and commit-
re from Karate competition – experience as a Karate teacher ment will never have been was-
what are your future plans? in order to help the new gene- ted. So, keep it up as much as
ration.” you can. Stay strong until you
RU: “Before I won the World win against yourself. And at the
Championship title, I had recei- J: Commendable. Although a end of the day, you will always
ved an offer for advancement to lot of people will miss seeing be the winner.”
Kokushinkan University. So, af- your kata performances! Last-
ter achieving this major Karate ly, what is your message for J: Wise words from a wise
goal of my life, I felt I was ready everyone who aspires to achie- champ! Thanks a lot for your
to retire as a competitive athle- ve your high skill level in Kara- time Usami-san, and good luck
te and move on to my next goal te, and kata specifically? with your new career! *High
– to become an instructor for five*
the Karate club at Kokushinkan RU: “Everyone has a goal. Whe-
University. Right now, I’m stud- ther that is to become a world RU: “Thank you very much!”
ying real hard for this, and al- champion or not doesn’t rea-